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Nirvana 06-04-2010 02:35 PM

Weird names
There is lady I see on local TV from time to time and I just wonder what her parents were thinking when they named her VAJOYA? :eyebrow: Is that a common name? I don't think I have ever heard of it before.

DanaC 06-04-2010 05:18 PM

I think what happened is: when the baby was born, the dad (a sheltered chap) was watching and said Ohmigod, it's coming out of her vajayjay; and by a series of mad coincidences and equally mad misunderstandings, she ended up with the name Vajoya.

ZenGum 06-04-2010 06:48 PM

According to a TV show, there is a kid getting about whose name is pronounced Absidee ... but spelled Abcde.

Child abuse, this is.

monster 06-04-2010 06:52 PM

Here we go again... count down to the lemonjello anecdote..... ;) :lol:

jinx 06-04-2010 06:53 PM

That's as bad as Female, pronounced f'mall-ay.
My sis had a client named Placenta. And I've run across several LaTrina's..

ZenGum 06-04-2010 07:28 PM

If they named the baby Placenta, what did they do with the ... oh ohh.

monster 06-04-2010 07:46 PM

I even posted a link to the local obit of an infant whose mother was named Felony....

ZenGum 06-04-2010 09:43 PM

Probably suited her better than Prudence or Charity.

squirell nutkin 06-04-2010 09:53 PM

Eena mel (Enamel)

Let's not forget Mr. and Mrs. Asswipe Johnson (It's Pronounced Ahhz Wee Pay!)

wolf 06-05-2010 01:21 AM

I deal with a lot of stupid names. The last one that gave me pause was so stupid I had to check the insurance company's website to make sure that there were really TWO apostrophes involved.

Unfortunately the name is sufficiently distinctive that I am not able to reproduce it here. But the pattern was something like ... Shaw'wannaL'yesha. Yes, with a capital letter where it didn't belong, too.

Had to reduce the font size on the chart label to make it fit, and then just barely.

Rivaled only by the kid whose first name was that of a clothing designer, like TommyHilfiger Lefkowitz. Except it was more absurd that that.

zippyt 06-05-2010 01:43 AM

Oh and the dash is NOT silent
So LaDasha

Trilby 06-05-2010 06:28 AM

My ex had a cleaning woman and SHE had a daughter named Linoleum.

Spexxvet 06-05-2010 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 660608)
According to a TV show, there is a kid getting about whose name is pronounced Absidee ... but spelled Abcde.

Child abuse, this is.

I wanted to name our youngest "Qwerty" because it's easy to type.

It's not just a cultural thing. Look at Bob Geldof's kids' names: Fifi Trixibelle , Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof, and Little Pixie. And what's with all the trendy suburban non-name names like Hunter, Shelby, Dakota, Madison, Brooklyn, etc? Ok, so they are actual words, but they're no more a name than Linoleum is.

squirell nutkin 06-05-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 660695)
Oh and the dash is NOT silent
So LaDasha

I wonder if she is a descendant of LaDiDa?

spudcon 06-05-2010 03:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

monster 06-05-2010 05:38 PM

I like interesting and unusual names. I think people need to be more creative. At camp this week, there were 5 boys named Alex and one girl -out of 100 kids. So when someone says something about "Alex", instead of immediately being able to picture the person and process the information, you had to ask which one. Two even had the same last name so we had to distinguish by grade.

If you create a new name, I think it's helpful if it's either already a word, or is something that's intuitive to spell, and something that isn't inapproriate like Vagina or Toiletbrush but beyond that, have fun! And maybe kid the kid a more normal middle name they can use if they treally don't like being unique.

Undertoad 06-05-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 660792)


Rhianne 06-05-2010 06:26 PM

I suspect you already know that isn't the real names of these folk!

Rhianne 06-05-2010 06:30 PM

My name isn't all that unusual but my mother has hated it since I was little and refused to write it, even on school forms - especially with the 'h', she calls me "Ree". Most of my friends call me Annie.

monster 06-05-2010 06:44 PM

I like Rhianne. Why were you named that if your mother hated it?

Rhianne 06-05-2010 07:00 PM

It was a Grandmother's name, my Dad liked it.

monster 06-05-2010 07:25 PM

poor naming protocol there, sorry. But i still like the name.

Both parents should totally love the name, imo ...and don't name a kid after a relative -let them be their own person!

spudcon 06-05-2010 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 660812)
I suspect you already know that isn't the real names of these folk!

That's why the wink emoticon.

Clodfobble 06-06-2010 01:46 PM

Riiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

See, I don't believe you. That's why the eye-rolling emoticon.

And then spudcon fainted.

TheDaVinciChode 06-06-2010 07:12 PM

Maybe not weird, but...

Am I the only one who finds it annoying when somebody has two first names?

(John Johnson, Ron Paul, William Williamson, etc.)

Shawnee123 06-06-2010 07:25 PM

My name is Yon Yonson
I live in Wisconsin
I work in a lumberyard there

monster 06-06-2010 07:26 PM

Hey Chode, is your first name Dave?

TheDaVinciChode 06-06-2010 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 661062)
Hey Chode, is your first name Dave?

No... that's an odd question.

My father's name, however, is "David." Does that help?

monster 06-06-2010 07:34 PM

oh yes, it helps a lot. So was mine. does that scare you?

Shawnee123 06-06-2010 07:39 PM

My dad was cursed with a terrible first name. So, his whole life even his parents called him by his nickname. That is what everyone who knows anything about him calls him.

Can you guess the nickname? :)

monster 06-06-2010 08:29 PM


TheDaVinciChode 06-06-2010 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 661073)
oh yes, it helps a lot. So was mine. does that scare you?

Terribly. :mg:


Also: Noddy. What a name!

lumberjim 06-06-2010 09:24 PM


TheDaVinciChode 06-06-2010 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 661109)

Chip Douglas.

Rhianne 06-06-2010 09:36 PM

Oh come on, obviously it's Rumplestiltskin. Now, can I get back to my spinning wheel or what?

monster 06-06-2010 09:37 PM


TheDaVinciChode 06-06-2010 09:42 PM

Candyman - Scary, and pervy.

Gravdigr 06-07-2010 04:29 AM

On opposite sides, I have an uncle named LaVergne, and an uncle named Shirley. My g-mother's name is Willie. And I've worked with two different men named Marion.

ZenGum 06-07-2010 08:08 AM

Dude I know of legally changed his name to Wolfgang Von Dudenstein.

Spexxvet 06-07-2010 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 661193)
Dude I know of legally changed his name to Wolfgang Von Dudenstein.

Suuuuure.... Dude you know. Right. ;)

GunMaster357 06-07-2010 08:28 AM

I remenber a school teacher named Ms LEBARS Odile. And I kid you not, she married a guy name Mr CROC Jean.

And on all official papers, she was referred as Mrs CROC Odile.

I swear it is NOT a joke on my part.

No need to say that, although she liked her husband very much, she preferred to go by her maiden name.

Pie 06-07-2010 10:22 AM

A college roommate kept laughing about her HS history teacher, Harry Dickie...

spudcon 06-07-2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 660990)
Riiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

See, I don't believe you. That's why the eye-rolling emoticon.

And then spudcon farted.

Fixed it for ya. That's why I farted.

Pete Zicato 06-07-2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 660708)
My ex had a cleaning woman and SHE had a daughter named Linoleum.

With a name like that, people are just gonna walk all over her.

Glinda 06-07-2010 12:15 PM

During my high school years, I briefly attended a private boarding school in Tennessee. The school had been there for ages, with the same southern families sending generations of kids there. Dunno what it is about the deep south, but there were some decidedly odd names:

McIntyre Bridges
Quintin Stimpson
Woody Johnson (really and truly)
Jet Tune and his brother Julian Tune
Holt Hall
Buzzy Wolfe
J. Hill (no name, just the letter) and his brother Moe Hill *snort*
Dickie Park
Casey Jones
Fay Binning (this was a guy)
Lep Andrews
Tuck Hord
Kendall Hayes and brother Knox Hayes
Forrest Ladd (goes by Frosty)
John Hurt (not THAT one!)
Alton Oschner
Hutch Carter
Crit Currie
Minos Fletcher
Perkins Trousdale
Sputt Hooper

In later years, I once met a young woman named Baretta, and I know a guy who goes by Putt (real name James).

Gravdigr 06-07-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Glinda (Post 661296)
...I know a guy who goes by Putt (real name James).

Nicknames, I know a guy with the nickname "Tallywhacker". Even his mother calls him this. Knew a guy named Jerg.

Gravdigr 06-07-2010 03:42 PM

Oh, and a guy I know has these names in his family, all sisters, btw: Leota, Ioma, Lamonia.

Also four brothers whose names and nicknames run, from oldest to youngest: Mickey, Rickey, Dickie, & Goober.

Shawnee123 06-07-2010 03:44 PM

Lamonia! :lol2:

TheDaVinciChode 06-07-2010 03:50 PM

Masculine-turned-feminine names.

Yeah, we get it, you wanted a boy... get over it, already! :p:

Urbane Guerrilla 06-20-2010 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 660717)
I wanted to name our youngest "Qwerty" because it's easy to type.

I hope cooler heads prevailed.


It's not just a cultural thing. Look at Bob Geldof's kids' names: Fifi Trixibelle , Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof, and Little Pixie. And what's with all the trendy suburban non-name names like Hunter, Shelby, Dakota, Madison, Brooklyn, etc? Ok, so they are actual words, but they're no more a name than Linoleum is.
Mr. Geldof demonstrates how disadvantageous a disadvantageous given name can be.

I am waiting for the eventual manifestation of a little urban girl named -- Apostrophe. Even if her daddy goes around saying, "Yep, she was about that big when, etc."

"Homegrown country names," however pleasant the sounds strung together may be, do not suit my sense of the fitness of things. Every given name out there at least at one time actually meant something. Miscellaneous syllables do not.

Except maybe as and for Far Eastern car models. Being inanimate, they can't be hurt by it.

Shawnee123 06-20-2010 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 664684)
Except maybe as and for Far Eastern car models. Being inanimate, they can't be hurt by it.

Like Harley.

Sundae 06-20-2010 08:47 AM

Not as weird as many mentioned, but I did know a lady called Desley.
Bless her, she had to spell her name and/ or tell the story of it every time she met someone new.

She once joked about wearing a badge which said "Yes, it is unusual"
Aha! A little internet research tells me it is popular in Australia - as a boy's name.
I always understood it to be a Welsh female name.

Names with similar statistics to Desley include Draco, Martian and Pakistan.
From here (Baby Name Guesser)

Pie 06-20-2010 08:56 AM

So someone looked me up on teh Internets. And found someone with the same name as me with a very different spouse. And was horribly shocked when they met my husband.

Hello?? There are a kazillion people with my name... in India. And my surname is common, too. And guess what? A whole bunch of Indians have broadband.

Just because you've never met someone else with my name...

Trilby 06-20-2010 09:16 AM

Yesterday on Wait-Wait-! Don't Tell Me! (radio show) a caller was named Patience Waite.


A woman who entered a pie baking contest on TV was called Rain Goettis (pronouced "Goddess") - I was instantly jealous and covet that awesome cool name. I don't know if she was born a Goettis or married into the tribe - either way, it's sooooo freakin' cool.

ZenGum 06-22-2010 06:45 AM

Shared an office with a guy surnamed Buckridge. Alas, when his parents divorced, his dad remarried a woman (with daughter) surnamed Buckeridge. Imagine trying to enroll one Buckridge (one E) and one Buckeridge (two Es) in anything. Tiresome.

Sheldonrs 06-22-2010 08:39 AM

President of my college - Seymor Hyman

Client at an old job - Delight Cox

Library patron at another old job - Ufuk

Another client at the same job as Ms. Cox - Lucky Wang

All real, named at birth names.

lumberjim 06-22-2010 10:13 AM

Buu Ea

pronounced boo- yah


Gravdigr 06-22-2010 10:26 AM

O.M.G. I can't believe I forgot this guy. Herb Lord.

ETA: A few days ago I saw the name Wendy Beaver (Wendy is a Native American, btw). Now, in my neck of the woods, when we say 'Wendy', it comes out 'Windy'. I lol every time I say her name in my head: Windy Beaver.:lol2:

Gravdigr 06-22-2010 10:33 AM

FWIW: I've read that the name Wendy is recorded nowhere in history before the story about Peter Pan.

jinx 06-22-2010 10:35 AM

I had a friend named Windy. Also one named Stormy, although they didn't know each other...

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