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what does your handle say about you?
in the Nothingland category and definitely under the general heading of "timewasters" it occurred that, while we all know and can see what our handles are, it'd be fun (or at least a fabulous waste of time) to speculate why each others' handles are what they are.
for example, Sundae is clearly addicted to puddings, though probably with weird ingredients like dill pickle ice cream, or garam masala meringues, or chilli prawn cookies Lola Bunny sounds like a porno name dreamed up in a dull office on a Friday afternoon and was probably an exotic dancer to pay her way through uni, and must have happy memories of those days to perpetuate them in a Cellar handle Gravdigr either works in the funeral trade or perhaps worked on a clean-up crew for Mob assassins. could also be a digger operator on a construction site, or the guy cutting trenches for cable TV bigging his job up Clodfobble slammed an outstretched hand on a keyboard and stuck with whatever came up on screen. Pretty lucky really, when I try it I get no vowels so It looks like Polish (the language, not the stuff that makes your furniture shiny) fargon is 'nograf' backwards and therefore the handle demonstrates this Dwellar's total adherence to monochrome columns of figures *to prove a point, instead of the nice coloured graphs we're used to. lumberjim would have us believe he's called Jim and cuts down whole forests before breakfast whereas in fact his real name is something like Valentine and is a CPA in a nice comfortable office downtown. and buys his furniture ready assembled. and gets it delivered too BigSarge and*regular joe make out that they're vanilla GIs whereas they're actually in deep undercover*SEAL teams 'somewhere overseas' (Alaska or Hawaii) and log in to The Cellar via 256-bit secure tablets bluetoothed to military-encrypted phone signals bounced off half a dozen satellites so secret that even the CIA doesn't know about them Happy monkey is an oddball, the rest of us are miserable buggers but monkeys are cheerful and here's a happy one. anyone proclaiming that commitment to happiness is a definite troublemaker if you ask me :D there are too many Dwellars to analyse (!!) at one sitting, and I've probably done enough character assassination for this week. still, dark cloud silver lining, it's only a couple more days before next week and I can do the next batch :devil: and for the record if anyone (member, guest, bot or spider) believes even one word of the above then they need to get a grip on reality. |
Hahhahahaa! Do me do me!
(full disclosure, I'm the artist formerly known as Shawnee123) |
Theres no reality here. Only the interwebz, and we all know they arent real...dont we?
Infinite Monkey: is that Mild Manner Obedient to Her Habitat type of Gal
A sticky residue left over from making cheap sugar candy. The application of this term as a user name intimates a certain sweetness, yet with rotten overtones. Like a southern belle that is overly friendly and complimentary to your face, but knifes you in the back once she gains your trust. Beware. |
Did you ever give him the newbie quiz?
Shawnee123 and her animal guide infinite monkey. This gal even has funny dreams.
lumberjim that's absolutely brilliant, exactly right :)
keep it under your hat but you've a real flair for this, what say we take 'em all apart, I do A-K and you do L-Z? in the mean time, sssshhhhhh! not a word to anyone, OK? |
I have a dirty mind I thought maybe 'Molasar' was something perverted that one did with moles...:eyebrow:
;) |
Bloke. I've got a todger.
And i'm prepared to use it... |
I keep reading it as "Molasaur," the fearsome dino molar.
Unless you can dredge up a post I made some many years ago, you'll *never* figure out my handle's whatfor.
no fair I wrote my virtual valentines a script about her should I get one too.:D
(Either that or I'm going to have to dredge through all your past 12,000+ posts:yelsick: |
best offer I'm gonna get;) |
Always najes ne think of mollusk.
And in English?:D
She's from Ankh-Morpork.
You were very wrong about my moniker, dear. But that's part of the fun of it of course, because you're just name-checking us and very flattering it is too. I was Sundae Girl because I'm cold as ice-cream but still as sweet. Then I felt I grew out of the Girl. I've proffered other explanations, and they were true when I wrote them of course. But how about you? How did you come here? Why? What made you stay? There is a thread about it. But there's a thread about most things. Feel free to answer here instead. I give you permission. (no I can't find it) |
In fairness I was rolling a joint with one hand whilst typing with the other |
Unless Jim is going to administer the *low drum roll* quiz. Actually, do both anyway. 'Cause, I'm pretty sure the quiz doesn't cover any of that. |
I got here first because this place was the only place in the interweb that could tell me what 'wang leather' is, or was - I'd heard it in a Gregory Peck movie that was on (UK TV channel, forget which). While I was here I had a look around and thought you guys were my kind of freaks, joined up, realised that you guys are definitely my kind of freaks so here I still am. The mods here are pretty much redundant in a positive way because people in here seem to be self-moderating even when they're tearing each other out a new one, always the mark of a "good" forum . , |
Didn't Jim mostly give up quizzes because news either didn't stick around to answer them or long enough to make them worthwhile?
I tried to do a quiz. By it just wasn't as stream-of-consciousness as LJ's. I'm more teh serious cat. The best I can manage is Danny Baker's Sausage Sandwich Game. Red sauce, brown sauce or no sauce at all. |
Mayo or mustard count as no sauce at all.
Otherwise you'd get Into all sorts of aberration like BBQ sauce and sour cream and then where would we be? I dunno, but it would be foreign! |
I've just searched for old lumberjim newbie quizzes and all I can say is that if he wants to mindfuck me with one of those then i challenge him to bring it on, the honour of the United Kingdom is at stake.
besides, I laugh in the face of danger and drop ice cubes down the vest of fear. And tweak the nose of the dreadful spindly killer fish. Hah!! |
I should have added to #24 that I usually 'lurk' for a few days to check the place out before signing up to anywhere new but I didn't here, straight in, balls out.
I think it was undertoad's forum introduction stuff that was a breath of sanity, strange but true ;) |
Fear wears a vest?!? :speechls:
Undertoad generally is a breath of sanity.
Pictures or it didn't happen
Maybe next week if things get scary.
See, I don't see a need for a quiz with this one. He /she seems like they will tell you about themselves on their own. And you can suss out a good bit already. I can tell you right now that the quiz would be answered with mostly smart Ass replies. They would be legit funny, but you really wouldn't learn anything real.
Welcome, molasar. I hope you do hang about a bit. I hope your enthusiasm lasts too. I also hope that you're a Victorias Secret model with a good camera and an exhibitionist streak. Or that you know one and don't mind sharing... Sorry about that, I was just trying to show tw how to perv on someone without coming off creepy. So, you can stay. No quiz required. Carry on. |
--What's Up, Tiger Lily (1966) |
I thought you were writing in some sort of gaelic or something us merkins can't understand. ;) |
Bugger! After all the build-up i was looking forward to that.
And without giving too much away it's 'he' by the way, one of that oppressed minority of white middle class heterosexual wage-earning married-with-kids people who think that all politicians' parents should have been sterilised at birth and that paedophiles should be lined up against a wall and shot, so quite a moderate at heart really. |
There is a thread to this effect somewhere on the Cellar.
My username, Molasar, comes from the fact that, in times gone by, I used to help hand dig graves in the old part of our city cemetery where there was no room for even those little tiny tracked diggers. Didn't happen very often, thank God. So, you weren't far off. |
Molasar: time to see a dentist.
Molasar Cocktail?
Hahahahahah. I like that.
Hey, Inf: is this where you live? |
peter piper pick a wife but couldn't keep her he put her an "infinite monkey cage" and there he kept her "for the rest of his days"
His days are numbered.
I sincerely hope that 'us merkins' is being used self-deprecatingly in the archaic term for Americans rather than the dictionary-standard definition of an erotic pubic wig.:eek: |
Yes, but with a deliberate allusion to the latter - old joke: blame Sundae (iirc)
I am exactly what my handle says I am. Don't get any more regular of a joe than me. Oh, and I pay for my VPN services.
A secret Canuck, you certainly snuck under the radar there, but just one little slip. |
Damn! eh.
I was thinking that DanaC was actually a clandestine salesman for Coca-Bloody-Cola who have a ferociously overpriced bottled tap water called Danasi (da-na-si, Da-na-C, geddit!!)
it was then that I remembered that Coca-Cola's ferociously overpriced tap water is actually Dasani, therefore cannot be connected with DanaC because they're all the right syllables, but they're in the wrong order. back to the drawing board, and then it hit me smack in the face like a drunken husband grievously wronged by me shagging his missus, it HAS to be Eurovision. First there was the raven-haired Irish songbird called Dana (probably one of the Nolan sisters unless I just made that up but deffo called Dana) and then a few years later there was that Israeli transgender/transexual/transvestite/transfat artiste called Dana International (who I haven't a clue whether to call he or she, but that's my conundrum). so that's it, DanaC is the only person on earth who's out of the closet in her love of the Eurovision Song Contest. |
by the way people, please please this is just having fun with your chosen handles.
rebuttal or justification is not recommended because it falsely validates what I say, in this thread, which would be a calamity. In total ignorance of who and what you are i'm making logically flawed connections out of anything i can grasp from your phoney names in the Cellar. I am not, would not (and, because I'm a stranger to you, I cannot) take the piss out of who you are, what you are, or your real name because these things are in cyberia and completely outside my knowledge or experience. I think I'm saying that none of us need feel threatened, there is no need for anyone to perceive any attack, real or imaginary. |
in fact in the very following sentence I explained that it is in fact called Danasi. 3/10 must do better. :D |
Tsk, tsk, Mola. I doubted your word (who, me? I know, right?!) and went to look it up... turns out it is also called Dasani in the UK, or at least it was.
yeah, I knew it was launched, saw one bottle bought (by one of my dimmer now ex-colleagues) then was withdrawn quicker than shit through a goose. at the time I didn't know why (and cared less).
thus I had to research it and found the same wiki you did, but the idea of buying bottled spunk has less than zero appeal to me, though i did LOL at the rank stupidity of coca-cola corp and their fuckwit advertising agency. |
Howz about zippyt , Ye great stickey Git ???
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