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Quiz Time
This quiz determines where you would fall in the Dewey Decimal System... if you were a book. I had trouble answering some of the questions because the choices(multiple choice) weren't always right, but I'm not a book either. :D
I'm in the 500's if you need me. |
BTW, you'll recognise me. I'm the Morocco bound one with the gold leaf edges. |
Always room for one more...
I also got 500s - Natural Sciences. I'll be the tome that smells of cheap cigars and Wild Turkey. Just so we know it's not all 500s, Momdigr got 300s, Social Sciences. |
800s - Literature
Can't be - I stopped reading when the Internet came online. |
I got the 600's Technology.
You got the 900's - Geography, History, and Biographies
that was fun |
You got the 300's - Social Sciences!
I'm with UT in Literature. You'll recognise me as the slightly foxed but still slightly foxy edition which smells of Clarins and hope.
You got the 900's - Geography, History, and Biographies! So, you're a social studies buff, huh? When you were a kid, you probably loved gazing at maps and you still do! You enjoy learning about historical events - anything related to wars, catastrophes, civilizations, presidents, you name it, history is your thing!
Same as glatt, per usual. |
You got the 000's - Generalities! You have a passion for general knowledge and information. You love locating information in books, reference works, and on the computer. You also enjoy keeping up to date with current events. Let's face it, information is your life! And you love it!
That's me |
A very strange, enchanted girl... |
I'm with Spexx!
It seems I'm a big nothing,
You got the 000's - Generalities! You have a passion for general knowledge and information. You love locating information in books, reference works, and on the computer. When it came to music, I picked the one I was familiar with, but my actual choice in music wasn't there. This is more to my tastes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u0M4CMq7uI Beautiful music preformed by 'eye candy', life is good. |
There's a thread in the Entertainment forum in which you can share other good music on youtube
You got the 300's - Social Sciences! You are interested in politics and make a point to vote every single Election Day! Having a steady and well paying job is extremely important to you and you work hard to save money for future endeavors. Your family and your traditions helped shape who you are and you look forward to family gatherings for special occasions!
BigV will be found in the 500's - Natural Sciences! Every morning you check the weather forecast to make sure you're dressed appropriately (easy, prepare for rain) You love animals and truly care about their well-being (and taste). Space is a mysterious thing to you (because you have so little of it in your house) and you love reading articles about new planets and advances in space. You love (to eat) plants and enjoy having a few around your house. You are truly a fan of nature and everything it entails! (mmmm, entrails. wait, what?)
*** That was fun. :) |
The sad part is that there are some talented people who "could" play music, but they have chosen to produce noise instead.
You got the 900's - Geography, History, and Biographies! So, you're a social studies buff, huh? When you were a kid, you probably loved gazing at maps and you still do! You enjoy learning about historical events - anything related to wars, catastrophes, civilizations, presidents, you name it, history is your thing! Just me, then?
Sent by thought transference |
Quiz Time for another Quiz!
How Catholic Are You Actually?
I sometimes wish we had this ability in real life, but it would probably be used against me more than I would use it. |
Yes, it is. By the same token, I find many things said by my family of choice here in the cellar amazingly memorable. You, all, are very important to me. I try to pay attention.
Inexplicably, I got the 900s.
I'm guessing it was Amelia Earhart that skewed the results. I do love maps, but there were no map questions. |
1 Attachment(s)
ONly got a 16 on that as well, grav. I balked (and laughed out loud in class) at "You were made from a rib."
I started to take it, but it's bogus. Some of those items could be chosen if self-identify as Hindu, let alone Protestant, and some are downright Jewish, dagnabbit!
How Catholic Are You Actually?
You checked off 10 out of 100 on this list! Via thornscompose.com Casual Catholic! You were probably raised Catholic and grew up going to church, though you may not completely identify with the religion in your every day life. You probably still carry the lessons you learned as a kid close to your heart, even if you only go to church on the major holidays. Sorry, I'm not at all Catholic, not even casual. |
I got 900s on the Dewey Decimal one. |
1 Attachment(s)
151 out of 170
85 of 170
Only 89 out of 170. Plus, several of the ones I checked off were movies I know I've seen, but I can't remember a dang thing about.
After I got this : You got the 200's - Religion and Mythology! You are spiritual and believe strongly in religion. You believe in charity and enjoy making the world a better place! Mythology intrigues you and you enjoy the stories of the gods!
I was a bit nervous to take the other quizzes! :eyebrow: |
I watched some of them only in the last 5-10 years, of those I saw closer to their time of release most were on VHS. |
The ones I saw were almost exclusively vhs. I saw the Star Wars series and the various Indiana Jones both in the theatre and on tape which was cool. I also saw Out of Africa in the theatre but should not speak of it.
I didn't see any of the Star Wars movies until college when a boyfriend forced me to... they sucked, just like I said they would.
You checked off 130 out of 170 on this list!
Some of those were way not iconic |
148/170 and probably a few more that were more forgettable than iconic.
134 of 170. Plus, I own several of them, some on VHS even. Ah, good times, good times.
139. Yup. I remember those times.
I already forgot my score. It was in the 60s I think, but at least half a dozen I only watched recently in an attempt to become more au fait with references made by my American friends. Or you lot. Ah well.
25 out of 170 and some of those I didn't watch on purpose, and many of the others I wouldn't watch on a bet.
... I would find it hard to limit my favorites on that list to a mere twenty-five films.
oh dear
wait, GMV wasn't on there, was it?
The New York Times asks can you read a person's emotions by their eyes.
It's hard for me, only 23 out of 36, of the small, B&W, poor resolution photos, but I found I did better with first impressions than trying to think about them. Good hunting. :3eye: |
Heh... that test was originally developed for people on the spectrum. I've taken it before, and not surprisingly, I did fairly badly on it. But I fervently maintain that I'd get a great score if they made a similar test for mouths.
34 of 36, but I couldn't believe I was getting one after another correct, because I often wasn't sure. So I deliberately answered one wrong, just to see if I could. So it should be 35/36. I'm surprised I did so well, because I often don't get people.
there were a couple I couldn't read at all and a couple i felt were ambiguously similar, like mistrustful and worried or something like that pair. |
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