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What is in your room 101 today?
double plus ungood
The good news is we've defeated Eurasia!
What the I don't even.
Flu is my Room 101 today. Or more specifically the phenomenon of losing one's voice.
It needs to go into Room 101 for the simple reason that it attracts far too high a cliche level in every conversation one has during the absence of voice / quirky seal call phase. |
I don't know what Room 101 means. So maybe that is my Room 101. Or maybe not.
Originally it comes from the novel 1984 and contained the thing (torture) that most frightened you.
In recent years it has been the basis for a tv show in which people make an argument for things they hate being put into Room 101 and thereby deleted from existence for ever. So - it can be the location of your greatest fears - or the place for disposing of things that irk you. |
Thank you for the clarification. I did read 1984, but it was prior to the actual 1984 and hence quite some time ago, so I'm fuzzy on a lot of the details.
In that case, I will put printers and photocopiers in Room 101. |
The verb forms of 'tape' and 'film', and the word 'footage', when referring to either.
Into Room 101 ya go. Did I do it right? Huh? Did I? Also, thanks for the clearification. |
I don't know if high winds can go into Room 101. If they can, please shut the door behind them.
Yeah, high winds here too....power keeps going off and on.
My back, shoulder, hip and leg pains could go into that room too, please. |
Free3ee3eeezin high winds here too. But today thoughtless people are in my room 101
Johnathon Ross's first suggestion for Room 101 is in my Room 101
I didn't know the show had been revived.
In my room 101 today is the marketing manager at my store who more closely resembles the David Brent in the British "The Office" than any person I have ever met, and anyone who thinks she is a hard worker. |
This 'thing' in the small of my back right above my beltline, it can go into Room 101, or anydamnplaceelse for that matter, as long as it goes away.
people who insist on trying to start conversations in the hot tub. It's a place for relaxing after a workout. Chatting with strangers about the temperature of the hot tub and other inanities is not relaxing. Hell is filled with these people, I'm sure..... I might even start being good, just in case.
Try headphones.
headphones, hats and other noggin accoutrements also belong in room 101
Cameras in modern movies. You see the guy's holding a Nikon 1D (or something else obviously digital), and then he starts taking bursts and you hear a sound effect (from 1975) of film being motor-fed through a digital camera.
Into Room 101, with ya. |
I've got a whole folder on stupid photo nonsense in movies. The latest was a view camera with a split focusing screen.
Hardly anyone knows anything anymore. I can feel the collective IQ of our country drop like winter air temperature as the sun sets. |
I have been developing a consignment for Room 101 recently. I think it might be getting time to ship:
Microsoft Donald Trump The Smell of Subway Lube Strips on Razors Donald Trump Microsoft Ylang Ylang |
paying for college
You mean you're writing your oughtobiography, monster? ;)
Last night my kids school had what they called a concert. Let me get out of the way that I understand it's all about the kidsŪ and blah blah blah. For the juniors and seniors who have been in band for a few years now and who have actually regularly practiced their instruments during that time it makes perfect sense to put them on stage and showcase their skills and talents etc.
But for the kids who just picked up an instrument 12 weeks ago, NOBODY needs to hear them play except their teacher. Making them perform and us listen to them is basically the same as everyone wins and gets an award! Yeah for everyone! You know who should get an award? Everyone who was forced to listen to them playing. For 90 minutes. While sitting in a dim, mercury vapor illuminated gym on folding metal chairs. The started the concert with the Star Spangled Banner and it was about fifteen bars in before everyone recognized it and stood for the national anthem. And this is a conservative, flag thumping, war mongering crowd. The band teacher in the past has droned on and on, for minutes at a time - between songs, about her personal philosophy on music, education, the human condition, her personal feelings on music, education, the human condition, and how it's all about the kidsŪ and how music, and education will improve their lives and the human condition. This time she only droned on about the same before leading the band into what was supposed to be Guantanamera, but was more likely a thinly veiled ethnic slur. There were five grade schoolers who, laudable for their bravery, got up on stage to perform solos with their respective instruments that they had been practicing for about 4 weeks. The solos were mercifully brief. The band teacher chose far too many numbers, about half as many, better performed would have been better received. There was one girl, a sixth grader, I think who totally killed it on flute. She clearly practiced, didn't hit a single wrong note and played Ode to Joy. Very, very talented. Otherwise it was 90 minutes of atonal cacophony on hard metal chairs. |
No lie or exaggeration, I would put in earplugs at those concerts when my kids were that age. Can't help you with the metal chairs. You would look silly bringing cushions.
Maybe I'll bring my ipod and earbuds next time!
Or wear a heavy coat, fold it and sit on it. ;)
Doctors who who don't share any detailed info about my cancer, and instead just toss me on the auto cancer chemo treatment assemble belt, like thousand of others...cuz hey, theyknow better or cuz of easy money.
I'm in a fucking anxiety ridden pickle. |
So sorry to hear that. Have you looked into alternate options? Are there other docs you could talk with? Have you gotten a 2nd opinion? :(
I'm sorry to hear that, too, Pico. :( As Classic said, are there other doctors you can talk to?
:( maybe follow their advice anyway :(
and i am so sorry. it is very wrong for me to say that, because i cannot possibly know from where i sit, but i only hope for the very best for you. i've told the story before, of my friend that didn't follow their advice and is now in a much worse position. only the chemo has saved her so far. a quack in argentina tried to sell her that chemo is what kills people. she'd be dead right now if she had $17,000 for that quack. she was scared making herself sick when she had that first dose but when the nurses figured out what was up, they wrote on her chart to make sure patient is pretreated with ativan and everything was fine after that. so far so good for my friend facing terrible odds. 15 rounds and the tumors were not visible on scans. she still faces terrible problems but her hair is growing back and she's still alive. and she still faces terrible odds and i hope for better odds for you. |
Fuck cancer.
Sorry, Pico. The whole mess is terrifying and frustrating.
It makes me angry, I'm sorry to hear about your experience, Pico.
I'm sorry Pico, communication with some docs just isn't going to happen.
Fuck cancer.
Yeah, and thanks everyone for commiserating.
I never thought cancer or dying young was in the cards for me. Both my grandmothers died in their late 90's and so far my Mom and Dad are in theirs 80's and going strong. I really don't think about the dying part a lot, but when I do, its more about the practical side. And, if I have only so long to live, I want to get some things off my bucket list...like traveling. So my main goal is quality of life. For that I need ALL THE INFO. I want to be in control of my destiny, not the doctors who don't know me or really care. I am worried that my doctors so far are just guessing. (from what i have been able to investigate online) So, Undertoad, I mean to get the best care somehow, I don't plan on going all homeopathic or anything. If chemo is the trick, then so be it, but I want the RIGHT drugs. The hard part is figuring out how to get the best information. I do have a follow-up visit with my surgeon and I will be asking for hard copies of EVERYTHING they have on me. And also for recommendations for other oncologist. Im going to pick his brains. OMG, just typing this out makes me feel better. Thanks for listening. |
:thumbsup: go kick some ass!
:) Im trying.
Good for you ... and Pico. ;)
What is in your room 101 today?
Planet Earth.
Hives (the skin kind, not the bee kind.)
Minifobette is absolutely covered, head to toe, and can't stop scratching. We're pretty sure it's a sunflower allergy. I tried to talk her into taking a bunch of laxatives to speed it out of her system, but she said she'd rather itch.
poor kid. :(
soak a cup or two of cloves in a fifth of vodka. If you're in a hurry, ground cloves will infuse faster. Strain when the vodka is quite brown.
Topical anesthetic. Excellent for Poison ivy, hives, anything. |
Sore throat....
Plus, it makes you smell like a hipster!
What a foul suggestion. I'll put up with cloves; it'll just make me roll my eyes a bit. But patchouli is disgusting beyond measure. Room 101 for sure.
Extraneou's A'postrophes
Well, you works at a gro'cers doncha? Sent by magic. |
None in my store (seeing as I'm in charge of signs now) .... ok that was a lie ...there is one on a poster that's driving me nuts. It will die shortly. I thought it had, then saw today they just moved it. In fact tomorrow seems a good day for it to die, so on that happy note, I'll go to bed.
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