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Pangloss62 09-07-2006 07:38 AM

Sleepless in Atlanta
Probably because I went to bed earlier than normal, I awoke at 2:00 a.m. and remained awake until 4:00 a.m. Thank goodness Georgia Tech has a good radio station (WREK) that plays hours of "experimental" and "avant garde" music at these wee hours. It gave me something on which to concentrate, but I have to admit I often question the "talent" of the "artists." The music last night sounded like and seemed achieved through:

Throwing compact refrigerators down a flight of metal stairs.

Recording the inside of a running dishwasher.

Taking a bookshelf speaker, turning it on its back, putting BBs in the woofer cone, and playing some old 78s.

4-year-olds just barely playing saxophones.

Dentist drill going faster/slower while poetry is read in Icelandic.

Radio tuned in between stations and left playing this way for 14 minutes.

Again, items thrown down a flight of metal stairs, but this time they were large cardboard boxes containing jingle bells and old hubcaps.

Machine shop with some guy pounding away on wood blocks and muttering.

Two hours of the above will make you tired enough to go back to sleep.

Shawnee123 09-07-2006 07:45 AM

Makes me wish I lived near Atlanta. :)

Pangloss62 09-07-2006 07:51 AM


Makes me wish I lived near Atlanta.
What Shawn? No good college radio stations near you? Ohio is not that bad.

I think the first market trial of AT&Ts TouchTone telephone took place in Findlay, OH.:neutral:

Sundae 09-07-2006 07:58 AM

Did any of them sound like 99 wolves crashing into glass?

Pangloss62 09-07-2006 08:06 AM

Not really

99 wolves crashing into glass?
You mean like a plate glass window or sliding glass door? Is this a dream you had?

Confused in Atlanta:neutral:

Sundae 09-07-2006 08:22 AM

More like this

(sorry, don't know how to do the proper one page links!)

Pangloss62 09-07-2006 09:03 AM

OK, Sundae, it makes "sense" now, at least conceptually.

Spexxvet 09-07-2006 09:07 AM

There's a lot of that type of "aural art" that I like and find intersting.

Hoof Hearted 09-07-2006 09:12 AM

Noise machine from the baby department.
I like listening to the crickets/frogs. The running water always makes me have to take too many trips to the loo.

Beestie 09-07-2006 11:44 AM

WREK has been and pretty much always will be run by a bunch of stoners. I had two years of radio experience and even had my own show went I went there to get a pizza money job way back when and, as I recall, they were playing the exact thing you described above.

Not Bill and Ted stoners - more like Bill and Ted on heroin stoners.

Pangloss62 09-07-2006 12:07 PM

Stoned Age

they were playing the exact thing you described above.
And you know, compared to a lot of contemporary commercial crap, it ain't half bad. It at least is different. One of the artists they played was called "Socially Inept." I imagine 3:00 a.m. DJs at WREK may be just that.:neutral:

OK with me.

Pangloss62 09-07-2006 12:10 PM

Socially Inept
PROEM - Socially Inept Sampler 12" NEW VINYL MERCK
5 tracks lifted off the cd of the same name, plus a new remix by Esem, showcasing proem’s smoother side, emphasising melodics and precision beats over his previous trademark scorched-earth tones and crunching stabs. “Socially Inept” has been described by Proem himself as “sweeter than a triple chocolate peanut butter mousse”, loosely translated as a drifting, crunchy and evocative display of electronic construction at its tightest. Much like Arovane’s work for the Din label or Sense, the emphasis here is on layers of melody that aim straight at the most nostalgic carriages of the memory – childlike in their simplicity despite the intricate crunch of the surrounding beats. As such its an emotional listen and one that sits perfectly within the Merck catalogue. As usual, limited to 1000 copies...

Pangloss62 10-02-2006 10:42 AM

I again had trouble sleeping last night, so I tuned into the overnight show at WREK (Georgia Tech). I'm really getting into this "noise" genre. One "song" I heard sounded like about 100 people using metal whisks inside empty 55-gal. oil drums. This stuff is like an enema for your musical sensibilities; it cleans out your head. Below is a highlight:

This is the Body I once Occupied

Richard Ramirez & Skin Crime

Pleasure, Commerce & Disease

ABRASIVELY CAUSTIC HARSH ELECTRONICS. A thick & raw wall of unpleasant feelings for your final dead days. Skin Crime is associated with the highly influential Self Abuse Records.

I'm beginning to enjoy my amnesia.:neutral:

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