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LabRat 11-01-2006 09:32 AM

Post your goblins here!!!
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OK, so we know we have some hot cellarites. But what about our offspring? You know no matter how we feel about ourselves, our kids are always adorable. And Halloween is prime cute time. Post your goblins here!

LabRat 11-01-2006 09:33 AM

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The haul. Decisions decisions....

glatt 11-01-2006 09:42 AM

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What a sweetie, LabRat!

These pics are from school parades and stuff, earlier in the week and last week. My son is superman, and daughter is Peter Pan (she took her hat off.)

My daughter had to do candy based homework for the third year in a row. You have to count the candy, and figure out different ways to sort it (color, flavor, chocolate, nuts) and do little bar graphs. It really makes her lose momentum when she get home, and she ends up only eating a couple. It's almost un-American.

LabRat 11-01-2006 09:53 AM

I love the kid behind your daughter with *his* mouth open...practicing for his turn? That's one mischeivous looking Superman there ;)

Stormieweather 11-01-2006 12:01 PM

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My middle daughter and youngest: Little one is supposed to be a bat, but she kept tearing her wings Oldest dressed very appropriately as a devil. That's the corner of my oldest son's face in that pic.

Stormieweather 11-01-2006 12:04 PM

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More of the wee one. She fell asleep in her stroller within a block, so daddy and big sis finished up for her.

Our neighborhood was a ZOO! We had over 200 children come to our door, SUV's full of kids trucked in, all street parking full, and crowds of kids up and down the streets. We went through 15 lbs of candy (actually I ran out and had to go buy more about 7:15 pm).

Sundae 11-01-2006 12:25 PM

All kids so far very beautiful. I'm sure they are full of character too, given the expressions.

Stormie - I can't work out how many kids you have (just being nosey!) You mention middle daughter AND eldest. Obviously I can spot the son and the littl'un.

And doesn't your devil look like you?! Although don't tell her - none of us want to hear that. All I heard at my Mum's 60th was how much I looked like my Mum. Yeah - thanks!

Envy all of you your Halloweens. I left the office & went home to my cats :mecry:

wolf 11-01-2006 12:41 PM

Cute miniRat you've got there, labrat!

Looking at her haul, it would appear you're in a reasonably decent neighborhood. Despite a clear underage of Smarties, she has some good candy there, although I do see at least one can of miniature Play-Doh, which means you have at least one self-righteous dweeb who feels it's a bad idea to give sugar to kids. No obvious boxes of raisins, which is another bonus as far as the composition of your neighborhood.

I do miss the simpler days when it was okay to give out a treat bag with a couple of Spiced Wafers inside, as well as the homemade popcorn balls and candy apples.

Ah, nostalgia.

wolf 11-01-2006 12:42 PM

P.S. Looks like everybody's got some cute kidlings there!

Stormieweather 11-01-2006 01:44 PM

Ah, I see the confusion SG. I have three children, oldest is the only boy, middle child and baby are girls. I suppose I meant, oldest girl who is also the middle child. Omg..think of the confusion if I'd had 6 or 7 kids!

Wolf, one guy in our neighborhood gave out peanuts. ONE single unshelled peanut per person. :eek: . Either he is very poor or likes to live dangerously.


Shawnee123 11-01-2006 01:50 PM

Very cute kids.

The one peanut thing reminded me of my ex telling me a story of when he and his best buddy were young adults they ran out of candy to give the kids. So they gave out potatoes. Raw potatoes. Can you imagine a kid going home and emptying his sack and finding a potato? :)

If I only got one peanut and say, my brother got two or three I would be very jealous. I would have peanuts envy. (I can never resist a chance to use that joke!) :D

Clodfobble 11-01-2006 03:05 PM

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As strange as the whole scenario would be, I would actually have to tell my kids that they couldn't take a peanut from the weird man, since my stepson is deathly allergic.

We dressed my (hugely plump... or "sturdy" as my friend likes to call him) kid as a sumo wrestler. :) Unfortunately all of the posed photos got ruined by blurriness and a messed-up flash. But here's one in his carseat before we left the house for the Halloween party. He had a little bathrobe on to keep him warm in transit, but you can see the sumo-diaper and little topknot.

Aliantha 11-01-2006 05:23 PM

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skysidhe 11-02-2006 08:26 AM

cute goblins guys :)

Elspode 11-02-2006 03:50 PM

What kind of function did you take your kids to, Ali? There's a girl in the back there with nothin' but a bra on! :right:

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