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juju 01-28-2007 08:22 PM

Household Temperature
It seems like people fight about this all the time. What do you think? What is a sane temperature to keep a house at? What is your house set at?

My apologies if this has already been discussed, or seems excessively boring or droll. I just truly would like to know if 70 degrees is really a deal-breaker like I am told it is.

monster 01-28-2007 08:25 PM

Depends on what you're doing. 70 is way too hot for housework, 68 is way too cold for paperwork.

lumberjim 01-28-2007 08:36 PM

oh sure. you lurk for like 2 years, and now you need our opinion. ch'yeah

Ibby 01-28-2007 09:11 PM

i keep my room at 16 degrees (celcius, of course).

Beestie 01-28-2007 11:20 PM

I keep the ole homestead about 77 degrees.

Yes, I'm going to hell for it.

Yes, I'm stealing my grandchildren's future.

Yes, I saw Day After Tomorrow.

No, I haven't seen Inconvenient Trooth.

But I do ride the last mile of my daily commute on a bike. That's gotta count for something.

Undertoad 01-28-2007 11:28 PM

If you want a cold house, it helps to be fat.

Aliantha 01-28-2007 11:43 PM

When I walked in the house today it was at about 45 degrees celcius. Now it's down to about 35, soon to get to around 23. That should about do it for us. We don't leave the aircon on when we're not home.

Beestie 01-28-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 311134)
oh sure. you lurk for like 2 years, and now you need our opinion.

juju just wanted to be double sure dave was really gone. :D

My "things I'm going to hell for" list just got a little longer, I think. :3eye:

piercehawkeye45 01-28-2007 11:57 PM

I live in a dorm so I don't know the temperature. Basically it is either too hot or too cold, no perfect temperature.

WabUfvot5 01-29-2007 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 311172)
I live in a dorm so I don't know the temperature. Basically it is either too hot or too cold, no perfect temperature.

Heh, that reminds me of my dorm room experience. My suitemate (shared a bathroom, that was it) never used his place so I could go in if I needed. Back at the time I was always cold and thought there must be a way to bump the heat up a few degrees. Since the heating controls were in his room I went over popped the plastic cover off. Then I deftly pulled the mercury gauge out and reveled in triumph as the heat came on. Yay! Huzzah for outsmarting the heating controls! :D I temporarily ceased celebration so I could put the plastic cover back on and set the mercury gauge on the desk. Only to see the aforementioned mercury gauge roll off the table and break in two upon hitting the floor :worried: From that point on the heat had two modes (controllable by a switch): always on or always off. 90° or 60°. What a choice. You better believe I was glad when summer came.

Sundae 01-29-2007 04:45 AM

I have no idea of the temperature at home as I don't have a thermometer there. When I get too cold I put on the gas fire in the living room. I can usually see my breath in the lower (unheated) part of the flat during the winter. I have no aircon, so the temperature is what it is in the summer, although high ceilings & draughty windows keep it cool even then.

Right here right now at my desk it is 23.5 degrees C (74). I'm not happy about this and it will rise as the sun starts to hit the windows - I start to complain about unreasonable working conditions when it goes above 25 (77).

Apparently recommended office working temperature is 18-20 (64-68). I would be happy at 15-18 (59-64).

Am interested to see how this changes as I lose weight, but I grew up in an unheated house, so I'm a pretty game old bird when it comes to ice on the inside of the windows.

Griff 01-29-2007 06:47 AM

68 F is our target here. I can take it colder but prefer not to go much hotter.

glatt 01-29-2007 07:33 AM

65 during the day and 60 at night (in winter)

78 or so in the summer.

Spexxvet 01-29-2007 07:48 AM

Our pediatrician recommended a lower temperature to keep the airborn germs in check, so we keep it fairly low. We wear sweatshirts in our house most of the time. I work in a big old house that has poor temperature distribution and with women who are always cold. It gets to a bout 80 every afternoon. Yes, I complain, but it doesn't do much good.:mad:

Griff 01-29-2007 08:09 AM

We're far enough North that ac is unnecessary in the summer. We get a couple nasty weeks in the summer and thats it.

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