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Elspode 03-24-2007 09:17 AM

Cellar Dreamin'
I freely admit that it is weird as hell, but last night, I dreamed that LJ and Jinx - and their kids - showed up at my house unannounced, and proceeded to throw a party. It was a *great* party, world class, in fact, and featured bonfires, sliding on a frozen pond, and cast members of various home improvement shows. There may also have been a couple of other notables, and even a few other Cellarites, but things started to get weird pretty quickly (like the original concept wasn't weird enough).

I can only attribute this to the stress of being forcibly separated from my Cellar community during work hours.

Now, what about the rest of you? Anyone else here ever dream about The Cellar or its denizens? Please tell me I'm not alone in my somnabulent psychosis.

elSicomoro 03-24-2007 03:17 PM

I used to dream about killing or beating the crap out a lot of Dwellars back in the day. I haven't had a Cellar dream in ages, though.

Bullitt 03-24-2007 03:43 PM

I remember posting about one I had doing security for some concert with a couple Cellar folks.. it was a good time.
and after some digging...

Originally Posted by Bullitt (Post 283939)
Last night was nuts.. one of those long dreams that seem like they won't ever end..
I was at a concert trying to keep the scuzz from sneaking in by jumping fences and crap, and bruce was helpin me out, along with glatt, bigv, ibram, and flint. Everytime I looked at one of ya'll your name in green type would appear over your body. And bruce, you were freakin sweet man. This crazy chick kept comin after me tryin to bite me and scratch me and crap, and you took her down with a taser pistol every time she'd come after me (~10 times i'm guessing). Then the show started and we all chilled on the lawn and drank coronas.

good times with cellarites

Kagen4o4 03-24-2007 05:04 PM

you know you've been a cellar member too long when....

lumberjim 03-25-2007 09:12 AM

I dream about skysidhe almost every night. I dream that she is the queen of the Faerie, and lives in the gloaming........ In the dreams, she is surrounded by muzzlin that blows in a swirl around her, and Jimi Hendrix music plays soflty in the background. She holds a doberman puppy in her left hand and a staff topped with little pink butterfly wings in her right. She always says the same thing to me. It's too beautiful and personal to share with you all in such a public way, but I always wake up weeping.

SteveDallas 03-25-2007 10:01 AM

I never have.

Until last night. Sort of. (You probably made me do it by starting this thread.)

Background: I'm in sunny Savannah, GA (approx. 40 degrees warmer than Philadelphia) at a conference. My flight was uneventful, but painful in that my ears never popped when we landed. I don't sleep fabulously well in hotels in the best of circumstances and last night was fitful.. by the time I woke up I had a massive headache and lots of congestion. (I have now drugged myself courtesy of the hotel gift shop and I'm optimistic that I will feel up to attending the opening lecture at 1PM.)

So anyway... in my dream.. I am at wolf's office, where I apparently also work. (Wolf herself never makes an appearance.) I am a bit hungry, and I notice there is a box full of yummy donuts, so I decide to have one. Then I notice that a pot of coffee has just started to brew, so I decide to wait for the coffee to finish so I can have a cup and a donut together. While I'm waiting, I head back to my office, which bears a suspicious resemblance to the guest bedroom at my parents' house. My (and wolf's) boss comes in and starts criticizing me for the number of maps I have. As he says this, I suddenly realize that the bed, nightstand, and dresser are just covered in road maps, topographical maps, etc. etc.

I then realize that the coffee is probably ready so the boss and I go back to the other room to pour ourselves some coffee. As I drink the coffee, I start thinking that since I've visited Undertoad's office and had coffee there [never really happened], and also at richlevy's [also never really happened], I should make it a goal to have a cup of coffee at the workplaces of as many Dwellars as possible.

No offense, Elspode, but if I'm going to be this suggestible, why can't you suggest a more "interesting" dream? (I think you know what I'm talking about.)

Elspode 03-25-2007 05:22 PM

I hesitate to discuss my dreams about LabRat, Sundae Girl, Case, Bri and so many of the other Cellar ladies, but do feel free to improvise as you see - or, rather, dream fit.

skysidhe 03-25-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 326156)
I dream about skysidhe almost every night. I dream that she is the queen of the Faerie, and lives in the gloaming........ In the dreams, she is surrounded by muzzlin that blows in a swirl around her, and Jimi Hendrix music plays soflty in the background. She holds a doberman puppy in her left hand and a staff topped with little pink butterfly wings in her right. She always says the same thing to me. It's too beautiful and personal to share with you all in such a public way, but I always wake up weeping.

no that's not MY dream lj. * kicks you in the knee cap*
* wipes the drippy sticky sarcasm off * hehe funny though:)

Aliantha 03-25-2007 08:19 PM

I quite pleased to say that I've never dreamed about any of you. I can't quite imagine dreaming about an internet site.

DucksNuts 03-25-2007 08:29 PM

Dont lie Ali, you've have dreams about me!!

I know you have.

Aliantha 03-25-2007 08:31 PM

Sssshhh Ducky! I told you not to tell them what we've been....err...ummm...just be quiet will you!!!

lumberjim 03-25-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 326364)
no that's not MY dream lj. * kicks you in the knee cap*
* wipes the drippy sticky sarcasm off * hehe funny though:)

actually, i was just checking to see if you really had me on your ignore list. guess not.

skysidhe 03-25-2007 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 326397)
actually, i was just checking to see if you really had me on your ignore list. guess not.

I knew you were. I fell for it like a bee on honey too!

I did remove you from my ignore list in the light of your long overdue worship of my faireness. :)

Spexxvet 03-25-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 326319)
I hesitate to discuss my dreams about LabRat, Sundae Girl, Case, Bri and so many of the other Cellar ladies, but do feel free to improvise as you see - or, rather, dream fit.

Were they wet?

lumberjim 03-25-2007 08:53 PM

worship is exactly the word i would have chosen. I didn't feel like I could be so forward, though. I know you have been offended by my jibes and jests, and I trust that you realize that my emotional instability leads me to try to hurt those that i admire. You must have been able to discern that for yourself, I'm sure. Crazy as it sounds, I admire the hell out of you.

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