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Aliantha 06-12-2007 01:39 AM

My Dad's place
2 Attachment(s)
Here's a couple of images my son took on the weekend while we were at my dad's farm.

There are some of you who'll be surprised to know that I asked my Dad to teach the boys how to handle guns on the holidays when they go to stay with him for a week or so.

This one is looking down from the side of the hill towards my dads place.

Attachment 13068

This one is looking from the house up at the farm. Dad grows mangos.

Attachment 13069

Aliantha 06-12-2007 01:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This one is of the dog standing in the bottom of the main dam. As you can see, it's been close to empty so long there's a nice lawn growing.

Attachment 13070

rkzenrage 06-12-2007 01:54 AM

Wow, that looks SO much like our ranch it is creepy. Just missing cows and orange trees.
Well, ours is a lot more flat.

Aliantha 06-12-2007 02:13 AM

Well there are cows there, although dad only keeps a few for 'personal use'. Hmmm...that reminds me, I've got to look into a sausage maker. My dad is mostly retired. The mangos are really just a bit of a hobby to keep him going. He's planted heaps of other fruit trees and has a massive vege patch.

His neighbours run brahmans. Nasty creatures they are.

Sundae 06-12-2007 02:44 AM

I'm currently reading Bill Bryson's Down Under
More lovely pictures so I can visualise the Aussie landscape please!

How hot was it when the pics were taken btw?
It looks so fresh and green, but I'm aware that even in Winter it's probably hotter than I could bear...

Aliantha 06-12-2007 02:48 AM

Winter has just come in here. The reason it's green is because we had about 60mm of rain last week. Prior to that there was no green grass anywhere.

The temp during the day was very pleasant. About 24 degrees. Night is pretty cool though. Down to around 10 degrees or so.

I'll see what else we can find for you to peek at. :)

rkzenrage 06-12-2007 03:11 AM

If you are talking about the big commercial makers, I don't know where we go ours.
As for small ones, I use the attachment that I got for my Kitchen aid Pro mixer and I love it.
I agree about the brahmans, we got rid of all of ours.

Aliantha 06-12-2007 03:21 AM

I'm going to see if I can pick one up at a kitchen ware shop here. I don't think I'll have too much trouble. I might even check out ebay.

monster 06-12-2007 07:11 AM

Nice, Ali, I second the vote for more, please

xoxoxoBruce 06-12-2007 02:36 PM

Is that canvas shade for part of the garden?

BTW, your Dad looks too young to have a middle aged daughter.

Sundae 06-12-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 353890)
... I'm aware that even in Winter it's probably hotter than I could bear...


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 353891)
Winter has just come in here.

The temp during the day was very pleasant. About 24 degrees. Night is pretty cool though. Down to around 10 degrees or so.

My point is proved. Pleasant is about 10 degrees lower.

Aliantha 06-12-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 353908)
Nice, Ali, I second the vote for more, please

I'll take some more in a couple of weeks when I drop the kids off for school holidays. :)

Aliantha 06-12-2007 04:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 354154)
Is that canvas shade for part of the garden?

BTW, your Dad looks too young to have a middle aged daughter.

Yep, there's shade cloth over some of the veges (mostly the leafy stuff) so it doesn't dehydrate. The more hardy stuff is in another garden on the other side.

The only human you can see in those pics above is my son Maverick.

Here's one of my Dad.

Attachment 13103

Beestie 06-12-2007 06:05 PM

I want one of those windmills.

Really. I've been saying that for years. And my wife has been rolling her eyes for years.

DucksNuts 06-12-2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 354244)
The only human you can see in those pics above is my son Maverick.

THE Maverick??? the one who invites me to weird shit via msn??? :eyebrow:

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