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piercehawkeye45 11-02-2007 03:01 PM

Obama says US must try talking to Iran
From here.


WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama said Friday that as president he would personally negotiate with Iran, offering economic incentives and a chance for peaceful relations if Iranian leaders would forgo pursuit of nuclear weapons and support of terrorists.

Citing a long history of progress through diplomatic gestures toward China and the former Soviet Union, Obama laid out in stronger terms his call for diplomacy with Iran — a policy with greater emphasis on negotiation than the Bush administration policy and a stance that has been ridiculed by his fellow Democratic presidential candidates.
I don't know the true intentions, I don't have much trust either, but this is at least a step in the right direction.

tw 11-02-2007 05:31 PM

Only those who want war do not talk to their enemies. That fact is not even disputable.

TheMercenary 11-02-2007 06:38 PM


WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama said Friday that as president he would personally negotiate with Iran, offering economic incentives and a chance for peaceful relations if Iranian leaders would forgo pursuit of nuclear weapons and support of terrorists.
And they would stall, go on talking, and continue to build.

tw 11-02-2007 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 403011)
And they would stall, go on talking, and continue to build.

Not according to El Baradei on Charlie Rose (and from other sources). But, there is also a consensus that Iran will not longer talk to George Jr. Appreciate why. This is the same mental midget who destroyed slowly warming relations by lying. The Axis of Evil speech that is regarded by many as the list of countries that the US intended to attack unilaterally - without reason. As we now well know - that axis of evil list was based only on lies created by an extremist poltical agenda.

Only a fool thinks Iran will change actions whether we start talking or not. After all, American threatened Iran with war for no reason. The only way to create a change is to first start talking - as China finally forced the US to do in N Korea. Only wacko extremists would impose conditions before talks begin.

El Baradei also notes a long list of things Iran wants to discuss - far beyond nuclear issues - if only Iran could find someone in America who could talk and be honest. Honesty is not George Jr.

TheMercenary 11-02-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 403020)
As we now well know - that axis of evil list was based only on lies created by an extremist poltical agenda.

So you don't believe that Iran supports terrorism through both monetary and material support?

tw 11-02-2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 403026)
So you don't believe that Iran supports terrorism through both monetary and material support?

I don't believe anything from this administration. Yes, Iran supports terrorism just as the US supported IRA terrorism in Northern Ireland. Who was the largest supplier to IRA terrorism? United States.

To prove any worldwide conspiracy by Iran to destroy the US, first, one needs sources that don't routinely and intentionally lie to promote a political agenda.

Given statements from George Jr and from El Baradei, El Baradei wins every time. Wacko extremsits with a poltical agenda can never be trusted.

Very good reason why El Baradei got the Nobel peace prize. He was honest. It is rather surprising how many conflicts Iran wants to start discussing well beyond uranium enrichment. But honest discussions cannot happen when the American leader is a pertinacious liar. Honest talking cannot happen when the American leader violates even the most basic rules of diplomacy. Which president would not talk to his adversaries? Not on that list are every great American president including Eisenhower, Kennedy, both Roosevelts, Truman, Reagan, ...

Reagan said only a fool does not talk to his enemies. So again George Jr meets the defintion of a fool - as defined by Reagan.

queequeger 11-02-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 403026)
So you don't believe that Iran supports terrorism through both monetary and material support?

Not to repeat after tw (which I seem to be doing more and more often), but that makes them different from whom, exactly? We're giving money and weapons as we speak to non-government militias in Iraq. Throughout the history of modern war, the US, it's allies, and it's enemies ALL seemed to have thought that paying some extremists who hate you a little less than the other guy is a viable option for war. We can't possibly condemn someone for following in our footsteps.

Undertoad 11-02-2007 08:16 PM

The government of Iran supports terrorism, a small number of people in the US illegally supported IRA terrorism

fixed that for you, our sweet lil muffin

piercehawkeye45 11-03-2007 11:28 AM

The conflict in Iran is just about power and influence. Iran wants to be the regional power and nuclear power and weapons will do that for them. I honestly don't think Iran will give nuclear weapons to terrorists because being blown back to the stone age by the US doesn't help their goals.

When I look more into this it seems that nuclear weapons aren't the sole focus but the nuclear power Iran will receive. Once they are able to build nuclear power plants, they will be able to sell electricity and power to neighboring countries, solidifying their regional power status.

Also, if Iran does get nuclear power/weapons, they will probably internally become more progressive to ensure their stability.


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 403059)
The government of Iran supports terrorism, a small number of people in the US illegally supported IRA terrorism

fixed that for you, our sweet lil muffin

How about the CIA support of Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the lates 70s and early 80s?

wolfd 11-03-2007 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 403011)
And they would stall, go on talking, and continue to build.

... and that's exactly what's happening now.

tw 11-03-2007 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 403059)
The government of Iran supports terrorism, a small number of people in the US illegally supported IRA terrorism

Nothing but wild speculation. Little gained for Iran's government if doing as posted. But it plays well among those who routinely deny reality – extremists. Everything from the George Jr administration is a lie until proven otherwise by responsible and independent sources. Any claims made that agree with George Jr and without honest confirmation means the poster’s credibility is also suspect.

Only fact is that someone in Iran is doing some smuggling. Smuggling? Sounds just like Americans who also provided massive – the majority of - aid to the IRA.

Let's see. A massive ocean exist between the US and Northern Ireland making smuggling and money laundering difficult. But a massive, open border - made more porous because of George Jr - permits (encourages) criminals to smuggle support into Iraq.

Somehow UT knows Iranian support must be from the Iranian government – not criminals? America could not even stop simple liquor smuggling from Canada. But somehow, smuggling from Iran can only happen with the full cooperation of Iran's government? Wild speculation; also what wacko extremists in the George Jr administration claim.

The problem with claims of massive Iranian government smuggling to kill Americans? It comes from the George Jr administration. People who routinely lie for a political agenda. Same people who deny a "Mission Accomplished" civil war exists; who also invent a mythical Al Qaeda conspiring everywhere to destroy America.

Before any claim of Iranian government conspiracy can have credibility, first, one must address a routine source of such lies - wacko extremists in the George Jr administration.

As wolfd notes, the stupid George Jr insistence of refusing to talk to Iran means only the worst of all possible consequences can result. Again, Reagan said as anyone with minimal intelligence knows: always talk even to your enemies.

Undertoad 11-03-2007 09:32 PM

We don't have to look to Iraq for examples of Iran's support of terrorism, muffin.

TheMercenary 11-06-2007 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 403059)
The government of Iran supports terrorism, a small number of people in the US illegally supported IRA terrorism

Thanks, you saved me from pointing out the obvious.

TheMercenary 11-06-2007 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 403041)
I don't believe anything from this administration. Yes, Iran supports terrorism just as the US supported IRA terrorism in Northern Ireland. Who was the largest supplier to IRA terrorism? United States.

That would be BS. Some Americans may have sent them money or helped them buy guns on the world market. The US government never helped the IRA do anything. In fact we had the Brits help train some of our people in their techniques of tracking the terrs in Ireland.


To prove any worldwide conspiracy by Iran to destroy the US, first, one needs sources that don't routinely and intentionally lie to promote a political agenda.
Great, show me any administration or government that does not do it.


Wacko extremsits with a poltical agenda can never be trusted.
Which is exactly why most of what you say should be doubted.


Which president would not talk to his adversaries?
Most of them.

TheMercenary 11-06-2007 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 403176)
How about the CIA support of Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the lates 70s and early 80s?

How about it?

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