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rkzenrage 11-26-2007 03:35 PM

US... the day is coming, please
Not because I want people to be made fun of because of their beliefs, because I want them to be out of politics, where they have no place.


Tony Blair: Mention God and you're a 'nutter'By Jonathan Wynne-Jones and Patrick Hennessy
Last Updated: 1:44am GMT 26/11/2007

Tony Blair has sparked controversy by claiming that people who speak about their religious faith can be viewed by society as "nutters".

Blair was reluctant to discuss his faith during his time in office

Mr Blair complained that he had been unable to follow the example of US politicians, such as President George W. Bush, in being open about his faith because people in Britain regarded religion with suspicion.

"It's difficult if you talk about religious faith in our political system," Mr Blair said. "If you are in the American political system or others then you can talk about religious faith and people say 'yes, that's fair enough' and it is something they respond to quite naturally.

"You talk about it in our system and, frankly, people do think you're a nutter. I mean … you may go off and sit in the corner and … commune with the man upstairs and then come back and say 'right, I've been told the answer and that's it'."
Though at the same time one wants to know about those, like the moron in office and those who do not believe in evolution who should not hold office.

lookout123 11-26-2007 03:48 PM

ok, just want to make sure i have this right. are you saying that someone who believes in a god and practices a faith is unfit to serve their country?

that smells of discrimination and bigotry.

bluecuracao 11-26-2007 03:50 PM

Rk, how about if you started a thread called, "Religion Sucks: by Rkzenrage," and put all this stuff there?

lookout123 11-26-2007 03:52 PM

stop stalking him blue. he might unleash his wrath and start posting clever little jpegs or you might really piss him off and he'll bring the hammer down... a youtube tongue lashing! the horror, the horror...

bluecuracao 11-26-2007 03:58 PM

But how will I know to be frightened? He doesn't convey emotions in his posts, remember.

lookout123 11-26-2007 04:07 PM

dammit! thanks for pointing out the flaw in my broken illogical brain.

bluecuracao 11-26-2007 04:19 PM

Moron. ;)

lookout123 11-26-2007 04:20 PM

AD HOMINEM*clever jpeg*

Aliantha 11-26-2007 04:30 PM

I thought RKZ was saying people who 'don't believe in evolution' shouldn't hold office.

While i agree that the separation of church and state is an ideal situation, if you're going to criticize people for believing in God and saying so through the course of their duties, you can't then support those who say they don't believe in God either.

Edit: that is, whether a politician states that they either believe or don't believe in God (or any other religion/faith/way of living), as a citizen you may agree or disagree on a personal basis, but I don't think it should be the reason you either vote or don't vote for that person.

You can't have it both ways.

Cloud 11-26-2007 04:30 PM

no offense, RK, but isn't there an actual Net community, forum, or blog dedicated to this subject, so you can talk to the people there about it? People who are as passionate about it as you are? I agree it's an important topic, but I submit there's really no need to pass on every.single.darn news article about it here. Those of us who are interested can subscribe to daily RSS fees just as well as you can.

I mean, we get it, really--you're for the separation of church and state and against religion in government. And I agree with you, really. But perhaps you could only pass on the really important or newsworthy items?

LJ 11-26-2007 04:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)



rkzenrage 11-26-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by bluecuracao (Post 410373)
Rk, how about if you started a thread called, "Religion Sucks: by Rkzenrage," and put all this stuff there?

I just don't feel that if one knows they base their decisions on something other than the law, Constitution and Bill of Rights first they should not be voted for.
Like a certain idiot who says things like "just a piece of paper" and "don't bother me with it". After that he deserves NO RESPECT of ANY KIND.

Aliantha 11-26-2007 05:03 PM

Well you get the choice not to vote for them based on their religious beliefs and the fact that you disagree with them for making decisions based on their beliefs.

I suppose the flip side of that is that some people like voting for someone who comes from the same church.

Isn't that what liberty is supposed to be all about? The freedom to choose?

rkzenrage 11-26-2007 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 410398)
no offense, RK, but isn't there an actual Net community, forum, or blog dedicated to this subject, so you can talk to the people there about it? People who are as passionate about it as you are? I agree it's an important topic, but I submit there's really no need to pass on every.single.darn news article about it here. Those of us who are interested can subscribe to daily RSS fees just as well as you can.

I mean, we get it, really--you're for the separation of church and state and against religion in government. And I agree with you, really. But perhaps you could only pass on the really important or newsworthy items?

No offense taken... don't like it, don't post.
You of all people should not be calling the pot black when it comes to whining about people's threads.
I post a lot of other topics, if you, LJ and others want to focus on this and erroneously say it is all post, have at it, look like an illiterate if you like.


if you're going to criticize people for believing in God
Where did I do that?

rkzenrage 11-26-2007 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 410415)
Well you get the choice not to vote for them based on their religious beliefs and the fact that you disagree with them for making decisions based on their beliefs.

I suppose the flip side of that is that some people like voting for someone who comes from the same church.

Isn't that what liberty is supposed to be all about? The freedom to choose?

Never argued with any of these points and don't.

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