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Sundae 12-15-2007 05:14 PM

Drax...? Any Chance...?

This isn't a slamming thread. I've never started one and only rarely participated in them.

But you seem to have an agenda to pursue, and it doesn't match the general mood of the Cellar. There are people here who like Death Metal, but don't flood the music threads saying so. There are people who like SFF pics of girls, who like syndicated shows, who dig beautiful women etc etc but they don't dominate the threads.

All I am trying to say is that this is a community. It's not a show & tell. Give us something to discuss, not just "This is something I like" Let us choose whether something you like is worth discussion or viewing. I post the views of my (foreign) life in one thread. As does Slang. People either read it or they don't.

I may make myself a pariah by saying this, and if the rest of the Dwellars think I'm being a bitch then I will accept this.

But for me it was worth saying.

icileparadise 12-15-2007 05:41 PM

It's true, just be glad to be alive and we are all friends here, especially you Radar.

Ibby 12-15-2007 09:05 PM


busterb 12-15-2007 09:59 PM


I may make myself a pariah by saying this, and if the rest of the Dwellars think I'm being a bitch then I will accept this.
But for me it was worth saying.

Drax 12-15-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 416953)
But you seem to have an agenda to pursue, and it doesn't match the general mood of the Cellar. There are people here who like Death Metal, but don't flood the music threads saying so. There are people who like SFF pics of girls, who like syndicated shows, who dig beautiful women etc etc but they don't dominate the threads.

Ok, bye...again. :p

I'll be sure to tell Satan, ya'll said Hi.

LJ 12-15-2007 10:18 PM

i wonder how many other forums drax frequents?

i mean....if your world was limited like his....and you spent as much of your day surfing the net, as it would appear that he does......

i dunno...i've looked for other forums before...and never found any that kept my interest.....

xoxoxoBruce 12-15-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Drax (Post 416987)
Ok, bye...again. :p

I'll be sure to tell Satan, ya'll said Hi.

Oh stop it, ya pussy. You ain't near bad enough send there. You ain't even bad enough to kick out.

But listen to what she's saying. You don't have to post every video that blows your skirt up. And it would be nice to hear your opinions on something instead of just sarcastic remarks, every time.

About the only thing I know about you, except your in a chair, is your dislike of the government benefits and health care. Everything else I have to guess from your taste in videos and music.

You sound unhappy and bitter, and if so, lighten up man... we're not the enemy.

ZenGum 12-15-2007 11:27 PM

Am I the only one who thought Drax was a milder, quieter version of RK? Something like this:

Drax: O RK: O

Seriously, in Drax's defense, ponder that perspective for a moment ... I reckon he's within my tolerance range at least.

Drax 12-16-2007 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 417006)
Seriously, in Drax's defense, ponder that perspective for a moment ... I reckon he's within my tolerance range at least.

You're actually defending me? I can't believe it.

Drax 12-16-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by LJ (Post 416991)
i wonder how many other forums drax frequents?

Currently, this is the only one. Don't wanna spread myself to thin.

Drax 12-16-2007 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 417001)
Oh stop it, ya pussy.

You're right. I am.


Originally Posted by Bruce Poose
You ain't near bad enough send there.

Do whut?


Originally Posted by Bruce The Moose
You ain't even bad enough to kick out.

It's not easy to get banned on a board with only 3 rules. :)


Originally Posted by Mr. B
But listen to what she's saying. You don't have to post every video that blows your skirt up.

I don't think that was the problem. Maybe...the frequency of my posts? One right after another mighta been a bit much.


Originally Posted by xB
And it would be nice to hear your opinions on something instead of just sarcastic remarks, every time.

Every time?


Originally Posted by The Bruceinator
About the only thing I know about you, except your in a chair, is your dislike of the government benefits and health care.

Well, the government does have a few benefits for me, mainly my RSDI income.

As for healthcare, it does have many flaws IMO, but fortunately I've not run into too many of 'em...yet.


Originally Posted by I ran outta nicknames
Everything else I have to guess from your taste in videos and music.

All of it.


Originally Posted by I got nuthin'
You sound unhappy and bitter, and if so, lighten up man...

I'm tryin'. Especially since I'm hypertensive.


we're not the enemy.
I know that. I just don't realize it sometimes. :angel:

Drax 12-16-2007 01:48 AM

I've updated my profile bio. Take a looksee.

xoxoxoBruce 12-16-2007 02:38 AM

That's a start. Be cool, man.

Ibby 12-16-2007 03:25 AM

Another thing... that was 4 posts. in a row. immediately after eachother.

Double posting should be kept to a bare minimum except soooometimes when bumping. After that... it becomes annoying and idiotic very quickly. There's a VERY handy multi-quote button AND an edit button AND a host of other ways to condense your flood of posts into a nice, happy single post.

Drax 12-16-2007 03:51 AM

I'm tryin' to be cool Bruce, but the young one's not makin' it easy.

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