The Cellar

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lumberjim 04-25-2008 08:24 PM

3 words at a time story
rule 1: advance the story using 3 words maximum.
rule 2: dont be a dick and try to ruin it. (yes, you)
rule 3: see rule 2

I'll start:

Carl's favorite shirt

HungLikeJesus 04-25-2008 08:29 PM

ripped and bloody,

smoothmoniker 04-25-2008 08:32 PM

was, of course

lumberjim 04-25-2008 08:33 PM

caught in the

theotherguy 04-25-2008 08:41 PM

upstairs guest bathroom

footfootfoot 04-25-2008 09:30 PM

. He knelt down

lumberjim 04-25-2008 09:35 PM

and pulled

Cicero 04-25-2008 09:36 PM

to kiss the

classicman 04-26-2008 12:05 AM

dog on the

Sundae 04-26-2008 04:09 AM

head. Then went

Buffalo Bill 04-26-2008 04:39 AM

in the cellar

Giant Salamander 04-26-2008 04:43 AM

to get the

Sundae 04-26-2008 04:57 AM

jar of spicy

nowhereman 04-26-2008 06:33 AM

armadillo pudding, then

Trilby 04-26-2008 07:23 AM

re-thought his actions.

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