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footfootfoot 10-08-2008 09:14 PM

What's scorching your groove today?

lumberjim 10-08-2008 10:23 PM

my dvd burner is untrustworthy

footfootfoot 10-08-2008 10:26 PM

Dude, I'm so with you on that.

Are you missing checks from your checkbook?

lumberjim 10-08-2008 10:27 PM

not that i know of. i dont really write a lot of checks.....more of an ebillpayer kinda guy.

DucksNuts 10-08-2008 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 491538)
my dvd burner is untrustworthy

umm mah, thats illegal

lumberjim 10-08-2008 10:35 PM

no it isn't

DucksNuts 10-08-2008 10:41 PM

i said it is

Aliantha 10-08-2008 10:41 PM

Maybe he just doesn't know.

DucksNuts 10-08-2008 10:44 PM

this is chatting isnt it?

we shouldnt be doing this

Aliantha 10-08-2008 10:46 PM

Yes, we shouldn't. Someone will get annoyed soon. At least that will give 'someone' something to write about in all these bitching and moaning threads. :)

We're so considerate.

LabRat 12-01-2008 11:40 AM

My groove done be scorched this morning by a plow.

To my bumper.

At 35mph.

Ford F-150 with a front mounted plow pulled out in front of me. I managed to miss the truck, but hit the edge of the plow. Almost severed my licence plate in half!! Initial report from the bodyshop does not look good. Apparently Maxima's suspensions weren't made for plow jumping.

I'm OK, a little stiff neck, but my baby is gonna need a lot of work. *sigh* At least it was his fault. Let's just hope his boss wasn't lying when he said he was fully covered by insurance.

Trilby 12-01-2008 11:54 AM

Do I hear percocet in your future?

btw, glad you're ok. My first instinct is always drugs.

Pie 12-01-2008 01:13 PM

Good excuse to get Hubby to give you a full-body massage. ;)

glatt 12-02-2008 10:43 AM

How are you feeling today, LabRat? Is the neck any better?

LabRat 12-02-2008 02:14 PM

Thankfully it's not as bad today as Red made it sound like it was going to be. He kept telling me how much worse it was going to feel on the second day, based on what his clients have told him.

Yesterday, as the day went on, my upper right shoulder and neck got gradually stiffer and tighter, despite taking ibuprofen as soon as I got to work. I was all irritated because last night was the first night I was going to get back to my swimming routine, but decided against it in case there might be a real injury.

Woke up this morning with no more pain or stiffness then I went to bed with, and 400mg ibuprofen are working just fine.

Thanks for asking.

The insurance company for lawnscaping company that owns the truck that pulled out in front of me is playing hardball. Looks like we are going to have to foot the bill for the repairs (well, the deductable. Merry Christmas) and let our insurance co. go to bat for us to get it back.

bah hamburgler

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