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Cloud 11-20-2008 11:33 PM

3 minute loop
it's that tv and movie staple . . .

the bad guys (or the good guys) jury rig the security system of a bldg or other facility, inserting a tape loop into the monitors . . . while the guards look away or snooze

how many times have you seen it?

too many!

Beestie 11-20-2008 11:42 PM

I prefers the more cheesy tactic of taping a polaroid of the camera view in front of the camera so that it looks like nothing is going on whilst the bad guys stash the loot and make a clean getaway. The guy in front of the monitor usually notices this right as they guys are disappearing out the back door and he rushes towards the scene while wiping powdered donut powder off his moustache while fumbling for his sidarm.

Sundae 11-21-2008 05:48 AM

I hate it when actors are drinking out of an empty cup.
I am now watching actors rather than the characters.
How hard is it to have a bit of water in there?

Flint 11-21-2008 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 506472)
I hate it when actors are drinking out of an empty cup.
I am now watching actors rather than the characters.
How hard is it to have a bit of water in there?

I saw an actor drinking from a beer bottle in a TV show that was clearly empty. You could see the shiny inside of the bottle, all the way down. Thousands of dollars spent on special effects and whatnot and they can't run a little tap water in the beer bottle.

The problem with that kind of thing is that it distracts you from the scene. It ruins the fantasy.

Clodfobble 11-21-2008 09:15 AM

Well it probably did have liquid in it, the first 40 times they took the shot. The last thing you need is an actor suddenly needing to pee.

Sundae 11-21-2008 09:23 AM

The actors are the last thing needed on a film set - and the shortest thing to wait for. Compared to the wait for the lights, camera and sound test, and for costume and make-up, why weould it matter if they nip off for five minutes for a wee?

And in most cases it doesn't even have to affect continuity - they are drinking from opaque vessels (mugs, cups etc).

It's just slack. And the actors think they are good enough to compensate for it. Oh no you're not, chummy, I can see you!

Cicero 11-21-2008 09:34 AM

I liked this one:

Same plot line, just some people do it better than others.

classicman 11-21-2008 10:31 AM

Like they can't use a bottle with liquid in it that doesn't actually come out? BS. They already have them.

footfootfoot 11-21-2008 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 506521)
The last thing you need is an actor suddenly needing to pee.

They should replace the actors with jilted astronauts.

Shawnee123 11-21-2008 01:40 PM

Good one, footsie! :lol:

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