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squirell nutkin 12-30-2009 01:02 PM

Why does my brain hurt?
I think it is because I am renting space in it to people who call me on the phone and ask if I know of any farmers who are raising their pigs on non gmo corn because it's the gmos that are creating new proteins that "the body" (not my, yours, or ours, but the) can't digest and that is why "There are" allergies.

Fine. Be that as it may, do you think maybe putting down your 27th diet coke for the day and picking up a glass of plain old water might also be a step in the right direction? How about a little cardio-vascular exercise? By the way, do you actually have any allergies or are you just being ready for when they arrive?

Not that it's any of my business, but mightn't your energies be spent more constructively insulating your house and repairing the heating system now that it's winter instead of quixotic juggernauts into the land of pure pork?

Just wondering, I mean since you called me and all.

Pie 12-30-2009 01:07 PM

"The guvmint wants us all to die!"
"Uh, wouldn't that leave them without anyone to, you know, govern?"

classicman 12-30-2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Pie (Post 621731)
"The guvmint wants us all to die!"
"Uh, wouldn't that leave them without anyone to, you know, govern?"

or tax - I mean how would they get paid if there weren't any of us?

Glinda 12-30-2009 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by squirell nutkin (Post 621730)
Not that it's any of my business, but mightn't your energies be spent more constructively insulating your house and repairing the heating system now that it's winter instead of quixotic juggernauts into the land of pure pork?

Don't be dissin' bacon, yo. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 12-30-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 621733)
or tax - I mean how would they get paid if there weren't any of us?

They'd just take all our properties, and play the damnedest game of Monopoly you've ever seen. ;)

squirell nutkin 12-30-2009 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Glinda (Post 621740)
Don't be dissin' bacon, yo. ;)

Je ne diss pas.

Je loves the bacon.

Je is not so thrilled avec the crazy people.

jinx 12-30-2009 08:31 PM

Ok but, the gmos are definitely killing off the bees. Allergies suck but a complete lack of food is a huge kick in the ass....

xoxoxoBruce 12-30-2009 08:36 PM

Fuck those bees, the same people that made the gmos can whip up little bacon flavored pills to replace food, and we'll all live happily ever after. Tra la... :lol:

squirell nutkin 12-30-2009 10:46 PM

I think it is not the gmos that are harming the bees as much as the unchecked use of pesticides by homeowners. They are really out of control. God only knows what the frigging gmo's are doing, but the main point of the MASSIVE BRAIN ACHE is that the person who has declared a GMO pogrom drinks diet coke incessantly! among other equally gmo laden foods.

lumberjim 12-30-2009 11:38 PM


xoxoxoBruce 12-30-2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by squirell nutkin (Post 621858)
I think it is not the gmos that are harming the bees as much as the unchecked use of pesticides by homeowners. They are really out of control. God only knows what the frigging gmo's are doing, but the main point of the MASSIVE BRAIN ACHE is that the person who has declared a GMO pogrom drinks diet coke incessantly! among other equally gmo laden foods.

Not only homeowners, farmers are off the charts too. They are afraid not to, because the economic reality's one bad year can bankrupt them, or if they're owned by a agricultural conglomerate get them fired. There's a few bucking the trend, but they're a minority.

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