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xoxoxoBruce 11-17-2010 06:12 PM

Add up your Life
1 Attachment(s)
Do you know the score?
Do you know your score?
Add 'em up to find out.
Hmmm $104.50

BigV 11-17-2010 06:28 PM


Spexxvet 11-17-2010 06:59 PM


Clodfobble 11-17-2010 07:00 PM

Heh... I saw a version of that once, except the prices were such that the only 50-cent option was "peed in the pool," thus it was really just a "trick you into admitting that you've peed in a pool" quiz. :)

Juniper 11-17-2010 07:04 PM

Fun! $79.50

Cloud 11-17-2010 07:17 PM


the choices seem a bit too juvenile for this crowd though

classicman 11-17-2010 08:31 PM


monster 11-17-2010 09:33 PM

Add Up your Dwellar Life
v Hit the tip jar
v Participated in Secret Santa
v Got LolDwellared
v Posted just a smiley
v Been given an LJ user title
v Been Moderated
v Been temporarily banned
v Changed user name
v Posted as a sock puppet
v Used the anonymous account
v Talked about The Cellar/Dwellars to IRL people
v Been flamed by another Dwellar
v Flamed another Dwellar
v Been caught posting while intoxicated
v Used “Haggis” as an lol alternative
v Stormed off and stayed away for at least 48 hours
v Stormed off and stayed away for at least a month
v Disappeared without notice for over 6 months
v Photoshopped a picture posted by someone else
v Used a horrible pun in an IOTD thread
v Posted/been responsible for an IOTD
v Posted a recipe for the IOTD
v Demanded an apology for a Dwellar
v Apologized publicly to another Dwellar
v Spoken to another Dwellar on the phone
v Met another Dwellar IRL
v Mailed something to a Dwellar
v Shared explicit sexual details on The Cellar
v Posted a picture of you
v Posted a NSFW picture of you

$6.66 per hit.

classicman 11-17-2010 10:11 PM

-$39.96 I think.

Juniper 11-18-2010 12:08 AM

$46.62. Does the last one count if I chickened out and deleted it before anyone (well, almost) saw it? :D

No, didn't think so.

Gravdigr 11-18-2010 01:04 AM

Life - $94.50

Dwellar Life - $66.60

Sundae 11-18-2010 05:32 AM

Life - $79.50
Although this made me laugh - "done something with someone older?"
Errr, went shopping with my Nan?

Dwellar list - $154.18
When do I get it?

glatt 11-18-2010 08:25 AM

Life: $74.50
Cellar: $99.90

classicman 11-18-2010 08:40 AM

Correction to post #9
Cellar $159.84

(I originally posted the negative)

Spexxvet 11-18-2010 09:41 AM

Dwellar $106.56

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