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What is Classicman
Is he a bird, a plane, a shaman? Or just little old him, Classicman?
He's a classic, man.
A tall, fat, short, skinny, bald man with curly hair?
OK, I'm picturing a guy who is dressed like a miner. He carries a shovel and has a head lamp. Wears overalls. And he fights injustice in the world. He drives around in a truck with a bunch of supplies and compartments and odd contraptions lashed to it. It's an odd vehicle, like the converted ambulance in ghostbusters. It has flashing lights.
He'll hear of some injustice in the world, and run out to the classicmobile, jump in, turn on the lights, and roar off into the night. He has a sidekick. The Veteran of Spectacles. This guy has eyeglasses hanging from every surface of his jumpsuit. He's like a big living wire sculpture, and when he moves it makes the sound of a thousand mice dragging their claws across a chalkboard. He uses lenses to focus the light into beams that brighten Classicman's path. Not a very helpful power, but it looks cool. |
you're just recycling your shitman answer.
Oops. Wrong thread.
Good question.
Classicman is a regular guy, like the vast majority of my fellow Americans. He is a critical thinker. He's engaged in the process, but like most of us, can only process so much information. He understands that ALL of the details of a given subject can not be known and so makes his decisions when he feels he has ENOUGH good information to make a decision. He also knows that in general principles, cliches, stereotypes, media images, there is often a kernel of truth around which a story is told. He also knows that there are *limits* to how far such stories can be applied and that there is almost always a contrary example, also with a kernel of truth. This kind of conflict is at the heart of what the poll at the top there illustrates. To attempt to surround Classicman by one of the limited and cliche burdened categories listed above is to oversimplify. You could pin a label on him (or on any of us) and that might make you feel better, like you understand the world a little more. But I find it more reveals more about the labeler than the labelee. Labels like this are useful only if they represent the beginning of an effort to learn more. If they represent (for the labeler) sufficiently complete understanding to obviate further learning, then they're a mistake, a big mistake. |
:lol: @ Glatt
Classic loves to listen to 60's and 70's rock and roll on his car (jaguar XJ series) stereo. He dresses in jeans and corduroy jackets with leather patches on the elbows. He owns a Pembrook Corgi which is a cousin to one of the Queen's Corgi's. Classic smokes a pipe on occasion, but only if troost pipe tobacco is available. His favorite drink is - what else? An old fashioned. He enjoys reading Dickens, Samuel Clemens, Hemingway, and Proust. Meat loaf and mashed potatoes is his fav meal and he dreams of a girl just like the girl who married dear, old Dad. |
Classic is a man who prefers Steak & a BJ Day to Valentine's Day.
He finds these days he likes spicy food a lot more than it likes him. He thinks it would be unmanly to use a nasal/ ear hair trimmer, but then feels slightly intimidated when the cute girl at the checkout looks up at him, fearing his extraneous hair might not be an asset after all. He is old enough to store odds and ends that he thinks might be useful, but too young to actually have set places to keep them, so always buys new when necessary. He would rather die that take vegetables in jello to a Pot Luck, but will happily scoff it when he's there. |
Deep down he just wants to be loved, and is that so wrong?
I try and keep useful things where I can find them next time, but other people lose them, I guess they are just keeping me young :p: Quote:
I have had the advantage of actually spending time with Classic. He's a hoot to shop with. He's a cool dude. A good guy to have your back.I n the words of the immortal Gag Halfrunt, "Vell, Classic's just zis guy, you know?" Oh, and it's not a Jag. What it is, I'm not telling. Because I forget. I was spending time with the man, not the vehicle. |
He's the best you can get--have you guessed him yet? He's the slime oozing out of your TV set.
Just kidding. |
There are many critical thinkers, but there's an impossibly large universe of information to consider, not to mention a very high noise to signal ratio in our particular political season. Most folks can figure stuff out, if they put some effort into it and aren't drowned in a deluge of misinformation. |
Classicman is my friend.
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