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JBKlyde 06-13-2012 01:12 PM

Spiritual Pride

I agree I am prideful...

BigV 06-13-2012 01:44 PM

you say that like it's a bad thing...

JBKlyde 06-13-2012 02:04 PM

well there are types of pride that are ok for instance "take pride in your work" but there are instances like "spiritual pride" which I am not even really sure what it means that it's not ok... I think spiritual pride is like the whole "holy than thou art" aditude... in which case I am not playing that game anymore.......

Spexxvet 06-13-2012 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by JBKlyde (Post 815123)

I agree I am prideful...

You should have a parade. And make it a happy parade.

JBKlyde 06-13-2012 04:47 PM


You should have a parade. And make it a happy parade.
"Gasperilla"'s like a Pirate Fest we have here in tampa once a year

Ibby 06-15-2012 02:09 PM

JBKlyde 06-15-2012 03:01 PM

while the thought of being gay has crossed my mind,I have rejected it every time. It's not that I'm homophobic it's that I'm anti homosexual.. and I figure if someone
can be anti christ.. then there is nothing wrong with anti homo...

Ibby 06-15-2012 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by JBKlyde (Post 815521)
while the thought of being gay has crossed my mind...

Gosh, how did I guess?

infinite monkey 06-15-2012 03:11 PM

All I see is a red x.

sexobon 06-15-2012 03:32 PM

That's the cheap stuff, go for the jug with a red xxx.

infinite monkey 06-15-2012 03:50 PM

And I'm not a guy. This is very important. And it's true.

JBKlyde 06-15-2012 05:15 PM


Gosh, how did I guess?
probably because EVERYONE has homo thoughts I mean in today's society how can you not.. me... I don't even believe in sex.. AT ALL the only thing you need sex for is to have babies and I don't want one.. maybe if the right girl came along I would change my mind but the truth is it's NOT Necessary..

Ibby 06-15-2012 05:18 PM

Or because your sheer homophobic terror is one of the surest signs of a deeply closeted individual?

JBKlyde 06-15-2012 05:35 PM


Or because your sheer homophobic terror is one of the surest signs of a deeply closeted individual?
That's just homo logic.. the homosexual mind set very different that of a straight person.. how "not quite sure" but I am not going to cross the line of having sex with some one of my own sex I'd rather masturbate myself into oblivion.. and that's where my logic becomes flawed because I can't get into the "head" of a real woman to find out how I am really supposed to act... it's called sexual frustration some people deal with by becoming homo, some people deal with it by getting married, some people deal with it by going to titty bars, Me I deal with it by masturbating. And there is a very dark side of sex that people don't like to talk about because it includes things like rape, child molestation, kiddy porn and a whole lot of other horrific things.. for me masturbating is my way of staying away from the entire world and not having to deal with any of it...

Ibby 06-15-2012 05:48 PM

Ah, so I was right! thanks!

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