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Ibby 12-07-2012 02:37 AM

Christmas Gifts!
Since my presents are coming in from Beijing this year, I got them early... I, uh, totally didnt open my wrapped gift early to find a pretty rad Ramones tee, but my stocking was pretty rad.

A spice set from Thailand:

Spices from Thailand! I dig it!

The first unfolds into the second. Seems GREAT for shopping, to just keep in the purse in case it fills up!

Trilby 12-07-2012 06:13 AM

Oh, that is cool! and I love the colors.

why are your presents coming from China? parents still there?

Lola Bunny 12-07-2012 01:59 PM

Super cool! Now you have to cook rather than eating pizza all the time. :p:

Sundae 12-07-2012 03:09 PM

Lucky you!
All gorge.

Although is that Rapunzel's hair in the top pic?
Or Challah?

(yes I know it's a long time since I made it, but I like to squeeze it in from time to time...)

Ibby 12-14-2012 12:16 AM

4 Attachment(s)
bought myself some thoroughly nerdy swag 'cuz all i'm getting from my folks besides that box is ikea, and i need to treat myself a bit.

Attachment 42128
2" Adventure Time with Fionna and Cake figures

Attachment 42129
Cake plushie

Attachment 42130
Marceline the Vampire Hipster Queen t-shirt

Attachment 42131
Marceline keychain

Ibby 12-14-2012 12:17 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 42132
Portal earrings

Attachment 42133
River Song's diary/notebook

Aliantha 12-14-2012 12:25 AM

Cool. I like the earings and the notebook!

DanaC 12-14-2012 04:15 AM

Yeah. The portal earings and the River Song notebook are teh awesome.

Love that foldaway purse/totebag from your folks! Really lovely colours.

ZenGum 12-14-2012 04:27 AM

Cool stuff indeed.


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 842442)
Super cool! Now you have to cook rather than eating pizza all the time. :p:

No, just have lots of spicy pizzas. :)

Is there a difference between saffron and saffran?

Aliantha 12-14-2012 05:54 AM


Trilby 12-14-2012 06:29 AM

I like those figurines. Those are supah cool.

DanaC 12-14-2012 11:58 AM

Yeah, the Marceline t-shirt and keychain are pretty cool too.

Clodfobble 12-25-2012 04:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a new stove! Unintentionally. Our old one broke right in between Big Family Meal #1 and #2 on Christmas Eve. For real.

So Mr. Clod and I ran out to Lowe's, picked out a floor model, loaded it in the minivan, and got it hooked up with a whole hour to spare before the duck needed to go in. We're going to be bad people and return the appliance dolly we also had to purchase in order to get it in the house, but it's only a small percentage of the sale they made off us so I don't feel very bad about it.

And since we had to buy a new one anyway, and the oven is something I use for a minimum of 3-4 hours most days (probably how I burned that sucker out in the first place,) we decided to invest in a nice one. It has TWO ovens. And the inside enamel is blue! I adore it.

Clodfobble 12-25-2012 05:25 PM

Also got a travel tea mug with the infuser built in, the book "Far From the Tree" (Griff you would probably like this one if you haven't heard of it already,) the Book of Mormon musical soundtrack, a new piece of wall art for the office, some music CDs, and a few random shirts.

What did everyone else get?

limey 12-25-2012 05:57 PM

I got a pretty pashmina, a lovely necklace, a leather jewellery tray, some Russian Christmas music, a book of patterns for tiny tiny knitted toys and a £20 amazon voucher. More swag will be collected when we visit the in laws on Friday ;-)

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