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Sundae 09-22-2013 02:25 AM

What Is Your Downton Abbey Name?
First name of any of your Grandparents.
Name of any school you attended.

Obviously don't respond if you feel it's sensitive information.

Mine is Alice Henry Floyd.
I have gifted my sister Daisy Quarrendon (very below stairs dontcha know)
And my bro can be James St Louis.

No reason the names should sound British.
They brought some staff back from the Colonies :facepalm:

DanaC 09-22-2013 03:37 AM


Patricia Sharples....


Nellie Gaskell.

Clodfobble 09-22-2013 06:30 AM

Marion St. Martin

Aliantha 09-22-2013 06:58 AM

Edna Wynnum

Chocolatl 09-22-2013 07:10 AM

Lidya St. Margaret (upstairs?)
Araceli Sanchez (staff brought from abroad) :)

Pico and ME 09-22-2013 08:12 AM

Leila George Earle

John Sellers 09-22-2013 02:02 PM

Marvin Wesson Attendance Center

orthodoc 09-22-2013 02:05 PM

Adeline Connaught.

Or ... Adeline Regina. :p:

Sundae 09-22-2013 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 876674)
Patricia Sharples
Nellie Gaskell.

Oh dear. Underhousemaids for you. Or stage doxies of course.

Originally Posted by Chocolatl (Post 876679)
Araceli Sanchez (staff brought from abroad) :)

She could could maybe manage to be a dispaproved of Peruvian bride ;)

Originally Posted by John Sellers (Post 876699)
Marvin Wesson

No need to include the whole name. But I'd stil suggest a chauffeur or a groom

Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 876701)
Or Adeline Regina. :p:

No. Not Regina, that is reserved only for the Queen.

NB: my Mum has researched our genealogy and we are char-women and washer-women and people who hide when the rent-men come. So my opinions are in jest and not meant to denigrate anyone else's familes.

anonymous 09-22-2013 05:04 PM

William Evans, great name for a barrister.


Joseph Akiba, a little too Jewish for Downtown Abbey.

limegreenc 09-22-2013 06:11 PM

Elizabeth Vanier - just sounds upper crust!

Eugene MacDonell- tg I'm a country boy

Chocolatl 09-22-2013 06:17 PM

These are all such fun character names!

Perry Winkle 09-22-2013 09:50 PM

George Newcastle

That's the only school I attended that would work.

lumberjim 09-22-2013 10:48 PM

James Burnside
Maury Pickering

Maybe James Pickering. ...

Definitely not Maury Burnside..... too holocausty

sexobon 09-22-2013 11:27 PM

Arthur Thatcher

Sounds like an oxymoron, I know!

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