The Cellar

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monster 10-02-2013 10:04 PM

Random Thoughts
I'm tired of the post whore thread, I'm not whorin'


Shouldn't Cellar have the same first syllable as Cellist? Should Cellist be a synonym for Dwellar?

DanaC 10-03-2013 05:30 AM

So....are we calling it the chell-er now?

I don't know Monster. Seems awful radical to me.

jimhelm 10-03-2013 06:19 AM

If we're gonna pronounce the c in the Italian way, I say we go Spanish with the two L's.

Chay-yer Dwayers

infinite monkey 10-03-2013 08:15 AM

Then would we have to say 'chellery' and would we be able to eat chellery in the chellar?

I mean, you can't eat chellery quietly, and it might disturb those who are concentrating on when to pop up and say something relevant.

I can't eat chellery right now anyway. My multi-thousand dollar caps broke AGAIN, and my dentist died, and I look like a cross between Flossie Mae and Jaws from James Bond. Because I'm all lucky like that.

DanaC 10-03-2013 08:23 AM

Oh ffs, seriously? My God that's some shitty timing.

glatt 10-03-2013 08:30 AM

Sorry about your teeth. The dental industry kind of sucks, but I guess it's better than no dental industry.

infinite monkey 10-03-2013 08:35 AM

My first caps lasted 27 years!

Can I drag Dr S out of retirement? (Clarify: Dr S did my first caps when I turned 18 and was deemed grown-headed enough to have them fitted and my head wouldn't grow out of them. The dentist who did these replacements a couple-few (?) years ago died, suddenly. Can't really make him fix 'em.)

I guess I"ll go to Doctor Strip Mall and get it done cheap. Sorry parents, I know you wanted me to have a beautiful smile but GAWD has other plans. We really really really should have known this.

Gravdigr 10-03-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 878283)
Then would we have to say 'chellery' and would we be able to eat chellery in the chellar?

Not necechellery...

Gravdigr 10-03-2013 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 878283)
...My multi-thousand dollar caps broke AGAIN, and my dentist died...

Damn, that's an omen, surely.

Gravdigr 10-03-2013 02:05 PM

Sorry for calling you Shirley.

sexobon 10-03-2013 09:42 PM

Among Romance languages, the word "cellar" is gender neutral in English, feminine as "cave" in French, and masculine as "sótano" in Spanish. Does the Cellar have a global gender identity issue and should we feel oppressed?

monster 10-04-2013 10:03 AM

If person A buys prescription drugs from person B and no prescription is involved, neither are pharmacists.... who is breaking the law? A, B or both? In US and/or UK and/or other countries you kave knowledge of. (when a minor buys and drinks alcohol, the culpability differs between UK and US)

jimhelm 10-04-2013 10:43 AM

it depends on whether the drugs are controlled substances. if you're talking pain pills, then BOTH.

sexobon 10-04-2013 11:16 AM

In the US, one can't legally dispense a prescription medication (for money or for free) unless authorized to do so. Buying a prescription medication from an unauthorized dispenser would be participating in a crime; therefore, a crime even if only for that reason (like the driver of a getaway car used in a bank robbery). Dispensing "controlled" medications without authorization just ups the crime to a felony.

Gravdigr 10-04-2013 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 878574)
it depends on whether the drugs are controlled substances. if you're talking pain pills, then BOTH.

She specified 'prescription drugs', prescription = controlled substance.

What I want to know is this: Is 'Person A' really a hunter, and is 'Person B' really a squirrel on a tree?

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