Sperlock |
03-07-2003 09:01 PM |
Strange dreams
I don't know, it was just strange and for some reason I feel like sharing:
The first part of the dream consisted of me being in a covered tent or something...big enough to be like a tent for small events, not big enough for a circus tent. It seemed like it was really dusty inside to the point it was hard to see, and I had the feeling that there was construction work or something going on. As I stepped out, past what seemed to be plastic tarp, I found that I was in the forest, though it was still hard to see, and at that point I realized this is fog, not dust. I carefully wandered through the forest until it suddenly stopped and I found myself at the side of a highway which I had the feeling that I was on to get to the place where I just came from. I looked to my right and the road seemed to go upward and curve to the right; I had the feeling it just went into the forest...to the left, while I couldn't see anything, but had the feeling it went to a town. I looked behind me and it was clear now no fog at all, and I think it seemed kind of...I don't know, like there was a building back there or something...small, like it was a restaurant, bar, or something like that. But I think I went to the left to towards the town, as I seem to vaguely remember being in a town in the next part of my dream.
I don't remember the second part of my dream very well...but I think I was in a car and with my parents...I can't remember very well what we were doing but I believe we were in the town. I think I must've gotten out or something to go see something on my own, as this is where it seems to go to the third part of the dream, as I am sure there was more to the second part...when I came out of consciousness I had basically commited it to my brain, but not enough for the second part. Anyway, this part of the dream didn't seem to be as colorful as the first part...mostly grays and whatnot. But I found myself at a beach...it wasn't really sunny. There were lifeguard stations here...but the strange thing is some of them were not in them, but remained at the bottom just sitting there...and the stations didn't look like what I remember from my times at the beach. Anyway, I turn to look out at the ocean...and the waves were huge! Almost want to say 12' or something...but definitely bigger than me. They came real close to the shore but I was never really threatened...I just stood there watching...the waves never touched me. And the neat thing is that I could HEAR the waves...that roar of the ocean...it really stuck out at me...very rare for sound to be such a prominent feature for me. I think then that I started to walk back towards where the road near the beach was...and there were some headlights and it was my parents in the car they were driving...dream ended there...as I came to consciousness, eyes closed, but remembering the dream very well, so I went over it in my brain to commit it to memory...then drifted back into sleep.
The other dream I had is a bit vague now...I seem to remember a lot of cars and maybe something like a tollbooth or something. There seemed to be a horse that was trying to get by...I think I walked around the booth to get closer to...a road? and had a car or two drive past me...not much else.
All in all very interesting...very vivid dreams...haven't had those in a while, nor have I had/remembered many dreams lately. But I had a very deep sleep last night...woke up feeling I got enough sleep, even though I went to bed at my usual time.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Cellar discussions...