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Molasar 01-17-2014 05:03 PM

what does your handle say about you?
in the Nothingland category and definitely under the general heading of "timewasters" it occurred that, while we all know and can see what our handles are, it'd be fun (or at least a fabulous waste of time) to speculate why each others' handles are what they are.
for example,

Sundae is clearly addicted to puddings, though probably with weird ingredients like dill pickle ice cream, or garam masala meringues, or chilli prawn cookies

Lola Bunny sounds like a porno name dreamed up in a dull office on a Friday afternoon and was probably an exotic dancer to pay her way through uni, and must have happy memories of those days to perpetuate them in a Cellar handle

Gravdigr either works in the funeral trade or perhaps worked on a clean-up crew for Mob assassins. could also be a digger operator on a construction site, or the guy cutting trenches for cable TV bigging his job up

Clodfobble slammed an outstretched hand on a keyboard and stuck with whatever came up on screen. Pretty lucky really, when I try it I get no vowels so It looks like Polish (the language, not the stuff that makes your furniture shiny)

fargon is 'nograf' backwards and therefore the handle demonstrates this Dwellar's total adherence to monochrome columns of figures *to prove a point, instead of the nice coloured graphs we're used to.

lumberjim would have us believe he's called Jim and cuts down whole forests before breakfast whereas in fact his real name is something like Valentine and is a CPA in a nice comfortable office downtown. and buys his furniture ready assembled. and gets it delivered too

BigSarge and*regular joe make out that they're vanilla GIs whereas they're actually in deep undercover*SEAL teams 'somewhere overseas' (Alaska or Hawaii) and log in to The Cellar via 256-bit secure tablets bluetoothed to military-encrypted phone signals bounced off half a dozen satellites so secret that even the CIA doesn't know about them

Happy monkey is an oddball, the rest of us are miserable buggers but monkeys are cheerful and here's a happy one. anyone proclaiming that commitment to happiness is a definite troublemaker if you ask me :D

there are too many Dwellars to analyse (!!) at one sitting, and I've probably done enough character assassination for this week.
still, dark cloud silver lining, it's only a couple more days before next week and I can do the next batch :devil:

and for the record if anyone (member, guest, bot or spider) believes even one word of the above then they need to get a grip on reality.

infinite monkey 01-17-2014 05:27 PM

Hahhahahaa! Do me do me!

(full disclosure, I'm the artist formerly known as Shawnee123)

Aliantha 01-17-2014 05:42 PM

Theres no reality here. Only the interwebz, and we all know they arent real...dont we?

JBKlyde 01-17-2014 05:51 PM

Infinite Monkey: is that Mild Manner Obedient to Her Habitat type of Gal

lumberjim 01-17-2014 05:58 PM


A sticky residue left over from making cheap sugar candy.

The application of this term as a user name intimates a certain sweetness, yet with rotten overtones. Like a southern belle that is overly friendly and complimentary to your face, but knifes you in the back once she gains your trust. Beware.

sexobon 01-17-2014 06:05 PM

Did you ever give him the newbie quiz?

sexobon 01-17-2014 06:06 PM

Shawnee123 and her animal guide infinite monkey. This gal even has funny dreams.

Molasar 01-17-2014 06:14 PM

lumberjim that's absolutely brilliant, exactly right :)

keep it under your hat but you've a real flair for this, what say we take 'em all apart, I do A-K and you do L-Z?
in the mean time, sssshhhhhh! not a word to anyone, OK?

Nirvana 01-17-2014 06:35 PM

I have a dirty mind I thought maybe 'Molasar' was something perverted that one did with moles...:eyebrow:


Bloke 01-17-2014 07:15 PM

Bloke. I've got a todger.

And i'm prepared to use it...

lumberjim 01-17-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Molasar (Post 889762)
lumberjim that's absolutely brilliant, exactly right :)

keep it under your hat but you've a real flair for this, what say we take 'em all apart, I do A-K and you do L-Z?
in the mean time, sssshhhhhh! not a word to anyone, OK?

Its no fun when you already know the people. I only did you because I don't know anything about you. Otherwise that would have been mean.

Clodfobble 01-17-2014 10:36 PM

I keep reading it as "Molasaur," the fearsome dino molar.

Elspode 01-17-2014 11:46 PM

Unless you can dredge up a post I made some many years ago, you'll *never* figure out my handle's whatfor.

JBKlyde 01-18-2014 12:03 AM

no fair I wrote my virtual valentines a script about her should I get one too.:D

Molasar 01-18-2014 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 889794)
Unless you can dredge up a post I made some many years ago, you'll *never* figure out my handle's whatfor.

That's too easy for words, Spode is a maker of china and other fine ceramic products, so elspode is a reference to a Spanish/Hispanic offshoot of Spode. Basically you do pottery with a Spanish/Mexican/South American influence. Too easy really.

(Either that or I'm going to have to dredge through all your past 12,000+ posts:yelsick:

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