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Gravdigr 02-11-2019 12:48 PM

Gravdigr's Useless Time-Killer Quiz -- Because Monster Didn't
1. Do you untie your sneakers before taking them off?


2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?

Ginger ale & Crown Royal

3. Favorite movie made before 1970?

True Grit

4. Favorite movie made after 1970?

Open Range

5. What car have you wanted to own but, haven't, and probably won't?

I like the little BMW Z-series, the Z4 especially. Have you seen the '19 Z4?:love::drool:

6. What color is your current daily driver (your normal everyday car you drive the most)?

White, with that dark gray plastic/vinyl cladding on the sides.

7. What color/style is your favorite pair of shoes?


8. Why is Monster slacking on the monthly quizzes?

IDK, she has a life, or something?

9. What color should Jim paint his geetar?

Dark red/maroon, w/black metal flake pick guard.

10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

No thanks.

Undertoad 02-11-2019 01:05 PM

1. Do you untie your sneakers before taking them off?

Who am I, Fred Rogers?

2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?

Sparking water on ice, lemon on the side

3. Favorite movie made before 1970?

A Night At The Opera

4. Favorite movie made after 1970?

There Will Be Blood

5. What car have you wanted to own but, haven't, and probably won't?

Tesla Model S

6. What color is your current daily driver (your normal everyday car you drive the most)?


7. What color/style is your favorite pair of shoes?

brown moccasin slippers

8. Why is Monster slacking on the monthly quizzes?

cos i never answered all ten of her questions

9. What color should Jim paint his geetar?

None More Black

Gravdigr 02-12-2019 09:45 PM

Fred Rogers, :lol2:

Griff 02-16-2019 04:02 PM

]1. Do you untie your sneakers before taking them off?


2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?

ginger syrup and sparkling water

3. Favorite movie made before 1970?

Lawrence of Arabia 1962

4. Favorite movie made after 1970?

The Three Musketeers 1973

5. What car have you wanted to own but, haven't, and probably won't?

1970 Chevelle SS?:love::drool:

6. What color is your current daily driver (your normal everyday car you drive the most)?


7. What color/style is your favorite pair of shoes?

Black Adidas trail runners

8. Why is Monster slacking on the monthly quizzes?

She's thinking of volunteering to help Bruce with the IOTD

9. What color should Jim paint his geetar?

No way do I second guess Jim on this.

10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

No thanks.

sexobon 02-16-2019 04:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 1025551)
… 10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

No thanks.


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1025872)
… 10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

No thanks.

If y'all want neither, then I can have both.


Chartreuse is a French liqueur available in both green and yellow versions that differ in both taste and alcohol content.

Attachment 66464
Attachment 66465

Undertoad 02-16-2019 04:35 PM

That's ironic... Hi-Vis Green is also French

sexobon 02-16-2019 05:03 PM

Hey! Hey! You didn't answer question #10. I call shenanigans.

Undertoad 02-16-2019 05:53 PM

it's just a case of chart re-use

Squawk 02-18-2019 04:19 AM

1. Do you untie your sneakers before taking them off?


2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?


3. Favorite movie made before 1970?

The Odd Couple.

4. Favorite movie made after 1970?


5. What car have you wanted to own but, haven't, and probably won't?

Porsche 928s.

6. What color is your current daily driver (your normal everyday car you drive the most)?

Dark grey.

7. What color/style is your favorite pair of shoes?

Black / hiking shoes. The right one has had a squeak for several months. I need some new shoes.

8. Why is Monster slacking on the monthly quizzes?

She is currently incognito in the ISS.

9. What color should Jim paint his geetar?

Purple haze man.

10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

Chartreuse. Hi-Vis green hurts my eyes.

Gravdigr 02-18-2019 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Squawk (Post 1025973)
2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?


Finally someone who knows what a cocktail is.

Glinda 02-19-2019 05:02 PM

1. Do you untie your sneakers before taking them off?

Sneakers? I wear these year ‘round.


2. All you can drink for the rest of your life is a cocktail. What is it?

Kentucky Bourbon and caffeine-free Diet Coke, which isn't really a cocktail, in which case, I'll take a bourbon daiquiri, please.

3. Favorite movie made before 1970?

Cool Hand Luke

4. Favorite movie made after 1970?

The Mechanic (the original)

5. What car have you wanted to own but, haven't, and probably won't?

Subaru Outback

6. What color is your current daily driver (your normal everyday car you drive the most)?

Officially, my Silverado is pewter, but you can call it silver.

7. What color/style is your favorite pair of shoes?

See item the first. I have several pair; dark blue, light blue, purple.

8. Why is Monster slacking on the monthly quizzes?

I don’t know how she’s got time to even visit this place, frankly.

9. What color should Jim paint his geetar?

Purple haze! (Rats, Squawk beat me to it)

10. Chartreuse, or Hi-Vis green?

Pass on both. *barf*

zippyt 02-19-2019 10:20 PM

:yeldead:Chartreuse is a French liqueur available in both green and yellow versions that differ in both taste and alcohol content.

Green Chartreuse is some of the VILEST booze i have ever tryed ( including snake liquor in Jap )
But for a Guts drink , get a water glass pour in equal parts Stoli and Green Chartreuse, swirl ( DO NOT SNIFF !!!!!!) and slam it down !!!!
dont sniff it smells like dry cleaning fluid , dont sip it TASTS like dry cleaning fluid .
The brit royal marines in HK were impressed when i drank 5 , BAD BAD nite !!!!!:yeldead::censored::drunk::shock::dead3::redcard::repuke:
oh and we missed the last ferry to the HK side so we had to taxi around the bay to Kowloon

Gravdigr 02-20-2019 10:19 AM

Maybe they call it Chartreuse because it makes reuse the chart for a vomit sponge?

Gravdigr 02-20-2019 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Glinda (Post 1026148)
Sneakers? I wear these year ‘round.


You might have lost a little sexy with that admission.

But just a little.;)

sexobon 02-20-2019 04:24 PM

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