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lookout123 07-21-2005 08:48 PM

APB: Cellarites missing.
There are a few people noticeably missing around. Today while rereading old threads i found myself wondering what happened to Elf and Beestie?

who else is missing?

Trilby 07-21-2005 09:42 PM

I thought elf left us because she posted from work and she had left her workplace for the time being. I am pretty sure she said goodbye and everything! Beestie--I don't know...what about kitsune?

lumberjim 07-21-2005 09:59 PM

beesite is ok. just busy.

i miss hot _pastrami. you guys just aren;t entertaining enough for him anymore.

and there are a few that i wish i missed. nyuk nyuk nyuk.

lumberjim 07-21-2005 10:00 PM

oh, yeah. and blue. he teased us recently, the little prick. i thought he might come back around.

Undertoad 07-22-2005 06:29 AM

Summer is the slow period, sometimes people come back in the fall (wishfully stated)

Troubleshooter 07-22-2005 11:17 AM

Do you think they finally picked up Slang?

wolf 07-22-2005 12:14 PM

I am unable to confirm or deny any rumors.

marichiko 07-22-2005 05:05 PM

I hear Wolf was abducted by space aliens. ;)

BigV 07-22-2005 06:46 PM

Actually, she gets visits all the time, but they're always there to see someone else in the building.

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2005 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
Do you think they finally picked up Slang?

I told you what Slang's been doing. ;)

wolf 07-23-2005 02:02 AM

Do not blame me when a couple guys in dark, nondescript suits and mirrorshades show up at your home or place of business and have a little conversation with you.

marichiko 07-23-2005 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Do not blame me when a couple guys in dark, nondescript suits and mirrorshades show up at your home or place of business and have a little conversation with you.

Oh, so THAT'S who they were! I told them that the last I heard, Slang and Radar were selling coney dogs in London somewhere. Then I got out my rubber ducky swim tube and my Napoleon hat and went into the shower and stuck my fingers in my ears and sang very loudly until they went away.

Do you think nurse Rachet will give me a pass next weekend? ;)

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2005 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Do not blame me when a couple guys in dark, nondescript suits and mirrorshades show up at your home or place of business and have a little conversation with you.

Those shades better be bullet proof. I've been investigated so many times if they come to the door I know they're after more than answers. Therefore it's 1 in the chest and 2 in the head automatically.
The ones that caught me off guard were the PA State Police in the dirty coveralls with no ID showing. Very sneaky. :smack:

wolf 07-23-2005 12:03 PM

So, they let you work where you do because it's easier to keep an eye on you, right?

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2005 12:32 PM

They get nervous as hell when I don't show up. :lol:

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