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Search: Posts Made By: perth
Forum: Technology 01-26-2008, 09:03 PM
Replies: 22
Views: 4,317
Posted By perth
"Should I capitalise that number?" - I get asked...

"Should I capitalise that number?" - I get asked this *daily* when performing password resets. By doctors.
Forum: Nothingland 12-29-2007, 11:58 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 7,090
Posted By perth
Highlights: The Simpsons Movie The bowling...


The Simpsons Movie
The bowling shirt the Dude wore when scattering Donny's ashes (replica)
Kingdom of Loathing action figures
Some nice wine and a sweet wine rack
Forum: Nothingland 12-29-2007, 11:43 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 11,841
Posted By perth
I've always desperately wanted the scarf Tom...

I've always desperately wanted the scarf Tom Baker wore as Dr. Who. I've been tempted to learn to knit (and have tried to trick my SO into learning it) *just* to achieve that little bit of nerdness....
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 12-29-2007, 11:35 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,585
Posted By perth
Sorry for the double-post. I saw I am Legend...

Sorry for the double-post.

I saw I am Legend last night. Yeah, I sort of hated the ending too, but I would argue that there wasn't a better way of ending it - anything else would have felt like a...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 12-29-2007, 11:31 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,585
Posted By perth
Spoiler: The Mexicans killed Llewellyn. I think...

The Mexicans killed Llewellyn. I think they were there at the same time, but Chigurh was just better at hiding than Bell was at seeking (No, I have no idea where he could have hidden).
Forum: Nothingland 12-29-2007, 11:28 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 6,051
Posted By perth
My favourite Achewood ever: ...

My favourite Achewood ever:

Note the way Cornelius is drawn tossing the glass in the third panel - kills me every time.
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 12-24-2007, 10:49 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,585
Posted By perth
I really dug the ending after some thought. I...

I really dug the ending after some thought. I mean - it's depressing, and decidedly not "Hollywood". Maybe I'm willing to overlook any flaws because it's different. I'll have to give it another...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 12-23-2007, 05:43 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,585
Posted By perth
Spoiler follows: While Chigurh and Moss get...

Spoiler follows:
While Chigurh and Moss get most of the screen time, I think the movie is ultimately about Sheriff Bell, and his inability to adapt to specifically modern criminals, but more...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 12-15-2007, 10:17 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 3,585
Posted By perth
I enjoyed it quite a bit. I haven't had a movie...

I enjoyed it quite a bit. I haven't had a movie stick with me the way this one did in a long time, maybe ever. I plan on seeing it again, but I had to get the book so I could sort of "re-experience"...
Forum: Home Base 09-16-2007, 01:23 PM
Replies: 3,263
Views: 741,567
Posted By perth
Thanks guys. And thanks Case for the unexpected...

Thanks guys. And thanks Case for the unexpected smile this morning. :)
Forum: Technology 07-15-2007, 10:52 PM
Replies: 22
Views: 4,415
Posted By perth
The type of user I support tends to be...

The type of user I support tends to be highly-educated. I talk to at least one a day who spends five minutes complaining to me that dealing with this problem is a waste of their valuable time....
Forum: Technology 07-15-2007, 10:38 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 5,009
Posted By perth
I replaced my cell phone with a really cool...

I replaced my cell phone with a really cool address book.

I understand the need and desire for a phone. I know why it makes sense to carry one. I'm even tempted from time to time to get a new one....
Forum: Parenting 06-24-2007, 09:31 PM
Replies: 81
Views: 19,420
Posted By perth
One nice thing about The Cellar is being able to...

One nice thing about The Cellar is being able to go back and laugh hysterically at stuff you said years ago.

I've reread a lot of the things I said during the 'baby is coming/baby is here'...
Forum: Cellar Meta 06-24-2007, 07:56 PM
Replies: 2,488
Views: 500,914
Posted By perth
LJ, Gimme.

LJ, Gimme.
Forum: Parenting 06-24-2007, 07:29 PM
Replies: 81
Views: 19,420
Posted By perth
Sorry to drag this up from the dead, but Case and...

Sorry to drag this up from the dead, but Case and I were talking about something else which prompted me to go looking up this thread.

LJ, you were right. I suppose I don't actively encourage a...
Forum: Cellar Meta 06-23-2007, 10:54 PM
Replies: 104
Views: 11,311
Posted By perth
Yeah, I don't remember that. That's for the best,...

Yeah, I don't remember that. That's for the best, I imagine?
Forum: Home Base 06-23-2007, 10:34 PM
Replies: 43
Poll: Wet or Dry?
Views: 5,863
Posted By perth
I have a love/hate relationship with shaving. I...

I have a love/hate relationship with shaving. I try to do it as rarely as possible, but always enjoy the experience. I use a mugcake for the lather, and I get the water as hot as possible. I've been...
Forum: Cellar Meta 06-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Replies: 104
Views: 11,311
Posted By perth
Oh, you know. Life. The Universe. Everything. ...

Oh, you know. Life. The Universe. Everything.

I don't really remember why I dropped off originally. More responsibility at work left me with less time to goof off?

I came back a while ago, but...
Forum: Home Base 02-13-2007, 01:22 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 3,743
Posted By perth
"nammit". I have a friend who uses this as his...

"nammit". I have a friend who uses this as his catchphrase and is constantly finding new and wonderful uses for it. He got me saying it before my son was even born and it's served me well. Correct...
Forum: Home Base 02-12-2007, 10:38 AM
Replies: 106
Views: 13,333
Posted By perth
Completely, yeah. But she doesn't know that......

Completely, yeah. But she doesn't know that... Yet.
Forum: Home Base 02-12-2007, 09:37 AM
Replies: 106
Views: 13,333
Posted By perth
I'll be getting my girlfriend a couple daisies in...

I'll be getting my girlfriend a couple daisies in a little glass vase, and maybe a Snickers on the way home from work. Neither of us are into elaborate planning or spending a bunch of money, and the...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 02-07-2007, 08:22 PM
Replies: 1,704
Views: 681,800
Posted By perth
Yeah, okay. :)

Yeah, okay. :)
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 02-07-2007, 09:38 AM
Replies: 1,704
Views: 681,800
Posted By perth
Thought I was the only one who called him that......

Thought I was the only one who called him that...

I've been watching Season 1 of Arrested Development. I never caught the show while it was on-air. It's too bad it was canceled because it's some...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 02-06-2007, 05:38 PM
Replies: 2,786
Views: 1,070,045
Posted By perth
I've heard that they exist, and a part of me is...

I've heard that they exist, and a part of me is tempted to find and watch them. The problem is that I just can't imagine them living up to what my imagination does as I'm reading. I use to get...
Forum: Arts & Entertainment 02-01-2007, 07:47 PM
Replies: 2,786
Views: 1,070,045
Posted By perth
I've skipped 'Mort', Borders didn't have it when...

I've skipped 'Mort', Borders didn't have it when I looked. I'm very eager to read it, as I understand Death plays a bigger role. Hopefully they'll have it and the next couple books after 'Wyrd...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500

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