bit late 'cause I had other shit going on, but you don't get away without the monthly interrogation

(remember, this is the woman who had the Spanish Inquisition appear at her husband's funeral...

Anyhoo... If you're new here and would like to give us all an opportunity to know you better.... have at it! And if you've been here forever but just like these things and feel we need to know.... gopher it....
1) When was the last time you dropped food on the floor and picked it up and ate it?
2) Which celebrity death last year surprised you the most?
3) Black or White?
4) Would you rather get a crown or a colonoscopy?
5) What's the scariest city you have visited?
6) Ketchup: Squirt it all over or make a neat dollop to dip into?
7) 1 or 999?
8) Most annoying insect?
9) Harry Potter or Star Wars?
10) Finish This Haiku
. Because I just can't be arsed
. ___________________