1) If there's no-one else around, which lane of the the freeway/motorway do you drive in? (And if nobody saw you, did it happen?)
Mine. (And hells no, it didn't.
2) Is there any truth to the rumor that coca cola was so named because it was make from extracts of some bodily fluids from Koalas who had chewed Coca leaves, and the Coca leaves and Kola nuts story was made up after it was realized this would be a truth better kept hidden?
Something something koala nuts.
3) Who's ya daddy?
4) If you fill in a 4*4 grid with the first 16 letters of all of your names, going left to right on each row, what is the longest word you can make using Boggle rules? e.g. John Arthur Doohickey-Balls would have this grid:
and the word HOARD might be a contender
5) You are picking new colors for your team. two colors. The first has already been chosen, the second is down to you. the first is purple, what do you choose to go with it on the team uniform, logo, fan-wear etc?
Gold. He said in blue.
6) Did the bitch deserve it?
You're damn right she did. That bitch!
7) If you had to choose between Sugar and Salt in your diet for the next year....?
Sugar, duh.
8) What should the next question be?
The next question should be "Why did she do that?"