So.... It's getting there. I've got 3 coats of poly on the flamed maple... Letting that cure until Sunday, then sand it with 600 grit and then a final coat. Then glue that to the box. I'll glue the 8 piece to the little plaque thingy at the same time. Once they're good, I'll glue that to the rest and paint the top of the 8. Thing is....
While I was painting the trim white, I masked the red with blue painters tape, and liked the way the blue looked with the white and red. So, do I make the 8 red or blue?
I did these pics by laying it out, and coloring the 8 in post, so the blue and red on the 8 are too bright, but... Which one?

The red will be the same paint as the box
The blue is not quite as electric.