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Old 02-05-2002, 11:22 AM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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2/5: Scorpion wine

Of all the dopey...! This is in northern Thailand, where they believe that rice wine fermented with scorpions in it can cure disease, increase sexual potency, and remove the thatch out of your lawn, make all the kids grow up to be above average, etc.

But then again, there are too many quack devices and products here in the US too. If you watch a lot of cable TV as I do, and listen to mainstream radio, you are just as likely to see and hear about hundreds of bogus medical things. Especially fitness-related, weight-loss, and herbal products. Half of what is advertised is lightly-concealed fraud. It really ticks me off, personally, but... what're yuh gonna do?
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