Originally Posted by DanaC
I look at Trump, and I really, really struggle to see what it is that his followers like. It is beyond baffling. Every other sentence he utters is a bare faced lie, often contradicting the previous barefaced lie he just delivered with a straight face. Not like a lie another politician might speak, which has some kind of credibility and needs to be uncovered - just a straight to the camera, bald as you like, absolute lie that sits glowing in the sun for all to see.
There is a subset boiling with resentment who want the libs to pay. There is a subset who want a "strongman". There are rich folks who want to continue the GOP experiment with tax free living in a highly stratified society. There are the religious (abortion) and religious nuts (end-times). There are Red Team players who see center-right Biden and think of Communism.
What happened is by soaking in our own propaganda we lost the Cold War we won. We've been at war so long we have no vision for civilization. We've trained ourselves to believe government is bad at everything and we've elected our own proof. We need to repeat a year to catch up with the class.

Unfortunately, this is that year and repeating it is gonna suck.