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Old 07-24-2020, 03:41 AM   #1695
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Are they salted peanuts? Most critters will eat anything with salt.
No, they're the same as I feed to the birds (in suitable containers) but, of necessity, bought in bulk.

From the Woodland Trust website...

What can I feed badgers?

If you have badgers visiting your garden, they can make fascinating guests. Their presence produces a wide and varied response from gardeners; some consider them a nuisance as they may root up flower bulbs, eat fruit and vegetables, and dig up lawns.

But if you enjoy seeing badgers in your garden, there's a range of suitable foods that you can put out.

Since they eat such a wide diversity of foods, they will probably eat most of what you put out for them (or for the birds, or hedgehogs, or the dog), but it's best to stick to foods that most closely match their natural diet.

Fruit - grapes, apples, pears, plums

Raw peanuts or brazil nuts (no salt or chocolate)

Dried dog food (muesli type)


Peanut butter (unsalted, sugar-free)
Not quite formation foraging but here's mum plus three sampling my largesse ten days ago.

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