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Old 02-07-2002, 08:52 AM   #17
That Guy
He who reads, sometimes writes.
Join Date: Sep 2001
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You wanna talk about crap that sells? I don't know anyone that has paid money, but many people were advertising for him a while back. He had (may still have) a program that would earn you a free Immortality Ring if you did some advertising. Every 3rd geek had a .sig that said, "LIVE FOREVER!"
On a similar note, I think Marylin vos Savant had a pretty good answer this past Sunday (she has a column in the Sunday "Parade Magazine" insert in many national papers) to the question of immortality. She weighed the possibility of famine, disease, war, starvation, and most anything else unpleasant against living forever. I think her answer was that she would not enjoy immortality because there's always the possibility of living forever in complete unhappines. That goes double for me.
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