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Old 12-02-2004, 07:03 AM   #51
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Eric, there are bars on the windows of the toughest city areas in America, but most of the country simply doesn't have to fear burglars. Like Nothing But Net said, there's always the possibility the homeowner has a gun (and legally the homeowner will have every right to shoot you if you break into his home.)

In addition, the stuff in people's houses just isn't likely to be worth enough money to bother robbing it. You can only pawn a television set for $20 or so, and if they think it's stolen no pawn shop will want to take it (because the police will take it away if they find out it's stolen, and the pawn shop owner will not get his money back.)

I've known two people who had break-ins, and both times the thief took only a single, very expensive item, because they knew it was there--they'd heard my friends talking about it or saw them bring it in the house.
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