The problem with George Jr's deal was posted here at least one month ago. We have (had) numerous treaties with the world that established world security. These included the anti-ballistic missile treaty, the nuclear test ban treaty, and fundamental human rights. All treaties that George Jr has or want to eliminate.
The reason why a world wide non-proliferation treaty works is because non-signers are denied materials and cooperation from all other nations.
So what does the mental midget president do? He could bring India into the non-proliferation treaty. That would mean India then gets access to nuclear materials, nuclear support products, and nuclear technology. Instead George Jr gives India that - without signing the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. In one shot, George Jr simply guts another international treaty. Even worse, a mental midget does not understand how destructive that deal is.
Here is where we discover if Democrats have any balls and brains. This treaty requires Senate approval. Why? The treaty with India violates US laws that were written to protect a world wide nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Smart Democrats – and there is a shortage of them - would see this as another international treaty gutted by a mental midget president to create world instability.
India has another problem. Their military nuclear program is intertwined with their commercial program. Unacceptable in all other nations. This cannot be permitted to any nation that conforms to principles of that nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Just another point that created world instability.
It sound like George Jr will now do anything to look good – screw the world’s future for his greater glory.
I am appalled. So many did not see why this George Jr agreement is world wide destructive. His contempt for what made America great is galling. But then notice how many Americans even here did not see another George Jr fubar. This is simply another example of aluminum tubes. Yes that sentence should raise your eyebrow. This author was almost the only one here who saw the aluminum tubes nonsense for what it was.
George Jr is advocating the gutting of a nuclear non-proliferation treaty. He may even be putting America in direct violation of that treaty that America signed. Everyone here should have seen this, if for no other reason, because George Jr thinks his India deal is good. He has an opinion. Did he even read the deal before he signed it? It's not an idle question.