Originally Posted by marichiko
I wish I knew. My last relationship was such a disaster, I haven't wanted to go near a man for the past year. I was introduced to the guy by mutual acquaintances, too.  So my feeling is what the hell, strangers in bars or coffee shops, internet dating, whatever. Leaving town is what works for me right now.
I here 'ya sister. Leaving town is one step. But hooking up again is the next step, girlfriend. "you can't just do a geographic"
Part of light dating is just having a guy in the early stages of dating just treat you like a women. With some respect, even if just to get to the next date. Just light stuff, after the heavy duty shit that just passed. A new model for being treated nicely on a date.
Of course, with forums, datings services, and other online or even offline stuff, you still have to go thru screening. With most Dating Services, you can get phone calls before live dates.
Some of my girlfriends found that Online Dating Services work much better than references though IRL friends.