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Old 04-03-2006, 10:28 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by ashke
We have the Social Development Unit aka Government Matchmaking here.
Really? That sounds downright Orwellian. Does the government force you to take part of this service or is it optional?

Rock Steady, once I've done my geographical, I plan to join a church like the Unitarians or some other such liberal congregation - no fundies, please; get involved in some community organizations (may have to drive over to the big city of Durango for some of those) and attend me some rodeos and pow wows (I want either a Navajo BF or a cowboy - a Navajo cowboy would make an interesting change!)

Its a lot easier for the youngsters to meet someone, a middle aged woman has a lot fewer options. I think this is one reason why I stayed on with the ax murderer before I realized he was an ax murderer. Its such a pain for a woman who is a little older to meet a reasonable guy.

The other thing I've thought about doing is learning how to fly fish and join the local Trout Unlimited chapter. Fly fishing is a fun activity that doesn't require a man's strength, yet its almost exclusively a man's sport. Fly fishermen tend to be upscale outdoorsy types, and I think there are fewer predator types like the ax murderer or Bri's professor among their number. Could be wrong, but its a theory worth testing. In a Trout Unlimited meeting, there's probably 5 women (if that) in attendence for every 30 guys. Now a few of those guys are bound to be in my age bracket and divorced or widowed. Even if I don't meet a BF that way, I'll get to learn a new activity which is very interesting and contemplative. My ex husband is actually a fly fisherman of some reknown, and I used to go with him on his fishing excursions. It was kind of like watching a Zen master, the expert cast, getting the fly to land lightly on the water, knowing the spots where the trout were most likely to be in the river, watching the hatches of aquatic insects and the ripples of a rising trout on a summer evening towards dusk... I'll set out my lures and see what happens!
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