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Old 05-16-2006, 01:52 AM   #61
Posts: n/a
I break people's character down into at least 3 categories:

Bad people often do what's wrong just for their own gratification. I have no use for bad people in any capacity.

Good people usually do what's right; but, often, only because they have to. I will work for good people and let good people work for me. Good people make the world go 'round.

Honorable people usually do what's right (no one's perfect) just for the sake of doing what's right, not because they have to. I will follow the leadership of honorable people and work for them as a subordinate leader. If good people make the world go 'round, honorable people set the pace.

This thread's original question doesn't offer me an option that I'm willing to be content with.
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