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Old 07-12-2001, 12:11 PM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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7/12: Big Brother cast member ousted [thx Dagnabit]


Dag sent me this image of the Big Brother contestant "Justin" and what he did to be kicked out of the household. Yeah, I would say that's a bad idea - holding a knife to the throad of another contestant?

What's cool about this image is that it really hasn't shown up in the mainstream media. After Dag sent it last night, along with the explanation of what happened (which I'll leave to him) I had a look around to see what the wire services were doing with it. They had a story and one "posed" image of the guy, and the details were very light.

Meanwhile, this image was captured directly off the live cam, and WHOA!
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