Thread: Comcast sux
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Old 07-24-2006, 10:42 AM   #7
in the Hour of Scampering
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Location: Jeffersonville PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia)
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Originally Posted by Elspode
I'm trying to be a customer, but damn if they aren't making it hard for me to throw a huge pile of money at them every month.
That's surprising...for those of us who are already customers (for "standard"-- not to be confused with "basic"--cable TV, in our case), the campaign to "upgrade" to digital (you know, where you get charged for every TV set, tuner card, PVR or VCR in the house and become a potential impulse pay-per-view, internet or telephone customer) cable is both strident and constant.

The most annoying commercials on Comcast TV are the ones for Comcast; they cannot be avoided (unless you're watching a premium channel, perhaps...but of course they've moved all the premium channels to digital).

And the next most annoying commercial is the one you either join in progress or is interrupted in the middle because Comcast has done a poorly-synchronized override of a cable channel's commecrial with one of their own.

We'll likely soon be replacing Comcast completly with DirectTV or similar...I'm expecting an AOL-like "retention" effort when they get that news...
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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