I have yet to have any issues with my Comcast internet connection (knock on substance resembling wood.) But I HAVE had joys dealing with them nonetheless. I have the whole digital package and the DVR, the video on demand, etc. Periodically my VoD goes AWOL. I give it some time to make sure it's not operator error (cuz that damn DVR box doesn't take kindly to commands thrown at it to rapidly.) If VoD is still AWOL, I call comcast and (I think every time) get someone in PHX. And the first thing they ask is "Did you try to power it off for a minute and power it back on?"

Now why didn't I think of that?!?!
Why should the damn thing have brain freezes alla time anyway?
Last time VoD went AWOL, it came back several days later (sooner than they could get a tech out to power off the DVR for me, i mean assess the situation.)