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Old 10-16-2006, 05:09 AM   #1
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
Any iPod Gurus??? - Help!!!

I'm going friggen nuts, I cant run without my iPod and I cant get the bugger to show up in iTunes.

've tried the R's (suggested on the Apple support site - Reset, Reinstall etc etc), I've changed ports, I've uninstalled iTunes, reinstalled the latest version...when I connected the iPod, it showed up in iTunes and asked to be restored. I clicked restore and went through the paces, then came up with a message along the lines of "iPod cant be restored as the files are in use by another program", but when I clicked restore again it went through and said to leave the iPod connected and it will show in iTunes when updating is complete....but it never does??


Any ideas?? puleeze
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