Parking lot prima donnas
People who can't park their car between the lines. I work in a building with parking garage that is occasionally filled to capacity, so it's extra irritating to see some self-centered chump's car sprawled across into the spot next to it. As if they deserve a more comfortable entry and exit by having an additional foot or two free on either side of their car. As if it was natural that their manner of parking must inherently create an inconvenience for the next person looking for a space in that lot.
I however am an agent of Karma. My job is to refocus the inconvenience they have created so that it affects them alone. However my car is a bit smaller than most, and of late I have had much practice in backing into such reduced spaces in such a way that my car ends up neatly between the lines and their driver's door ends up with about two inches of space for available opening and closing.
It's a bit like making a little art project every week or two on my way into the office. Sometimes I take a quick picture with my cellphone, as trophy.
Only once have I had to face the other driver. I work late a lot, so usually the other car is gone bythe time I leave. (I assume they climb in through the passenger-side door.) But one day I came to my car and saw I really big guy standing near my car and the only other car in the lot, clearly his. When I say big, I mean wide. No way was he getting between those cars, and it was highly unlikely that he was going to climb in via the passenger door either.
He just stood back where I'm sure he couldn't help but notice that my car was parked reasonably and his was parked like a drunk 2-year-old had been behind the wheel. It was all clear, nothing needed to be said. I just got into my car and drove away.
I've forgotten what he was driving, but I bet he parks more carefully now.
The building security people have told me that people who can't park reasonably will be towed, but a) that seems excessive; b) then I'd have to wait for the tow truck to vacate that least spot; c) that just escalates from a parking problem (minor inconvenience) to a towed-car problem (exorbitant fees, major hassles). And besides, it seems so impersonal.