I often have dreams of me forgetting to do something important and the reprecussions are pretty awful. Some dreams are me failing an important paper/test/class. In the mornings I have dreams that I'm getting ready to leave...then I wake up 20mins late thinkin I'm ready to walk out the door. A dream I haven't had in awhile but have often is that I somehow win/inheret lots of money and I get to go to the mall and buy lots of clothes and stuff for myself/family. I wake up and look around for my stuff...and then feel awful that I don't have any of it.
I have had a couple of good dreams of me waking up next to my b/f. One particular was when we were a bit older and married, our child came into the room to wake me up. I told her to go into the living room and watch some cartoons while I woke daddy up. It was a good wake-up.

Then I had a dream that we were 60ish, all the kids were gone, we had wake up sex, and I said that we hadn't done that in awhile, so then we decided to go on vacay and get a really nice hotel, like another honeymoon.
Most of my dreams are stressful tho