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Old 11-07-2006, 02:03 PM   #126
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: under the weather
Posts: 2,656
re: Brianna asking why I left -- I'm leaving because it's pointless to continue. I've said what I said, anyone can read it and figure out what it meant. You are continuing to throw rocks, hoping I'll pull a bmw and respond in kind. Sorry, that bores me. As does trying to find 150 ways to say the same thing in a way that you can't respond to with "oh yeah? well you're a poopoo head!" That magic sentence doesn't exist, because you enter every debate with a chip on your shoulder, and flatly refuse to be civil.

Let me say 2 things in no uncertain terms, and with no room for misinterpretation:

Rape is inexcusable.

Deliberately dressing to attract sexual attention works. Unfortunately, you don't have the luxury of screening which kind of attention you get, and thereby experience ONLY the reactions you wanted. Of course, you are entitled to individually prosecute every occurrence of ogling, catcalls, unwanted sexual advances, etc. etc. I personally think it would be easier to just put on some clothes. Your mileage may vary.

As I was telling Nao, if you say something like that, expect to have people misrepresent it, and start making cracks like
Brianna, you know as well as I do that sex outside of holy matrimony is an affront to Jehova; an abomination of Man. Therefore, harlots reap what they sow when they dress in a provocative and non-demure fashion.

Now...who wants to see my new line of designer burquas and veils? I also sell belly dancing accessories, but we make you sign a waiver saying that you won't sue us if you're raped while wearing them. After all, you would be scantily clad and gyrating provocatively, and you'd be just asking for it.

[/tragic voice/]

"yes! Yes, I was! I was sooooo hoping for a shot of Timberlake's crotch! And what did I get? A middle-aged woman's TIT! It almost made me go out and rape somebody!"

[end/tragic voice/]

well, she deserves what she gets. Let's not think about the many underlying causes for that exposed tit, let's just blame her for exposing it!

also--just for the hell of it: by your logic, strippers are begging to be raped. It's ok to rape them? Coz, they didn't "lock the front door"-? To be a stripper is to be an idiot? Asking for it?

In England they've a newspaper that prints photos of topless women, called Page 3 Girls, I believe. are they asking for it, too?
Out of all that, only about 3 lines are any kind of civilized discussion. As I told Nao, only people with certain viewpoints are allowed this sort of behavior, while we would get instant "asshole" labels because of our conservatism.

While we're on the topic though, I'll take a stab at the few bits that approach normal conversation.

well, she deserves what she gets. Let's not think about the many underlying causes for that exposed tit, let's just blame her for exposing it!
Again (and again, and again), "deserving" rape and making yourself a more appealing target for it are two different things. The underlying causes make fine discussion over coffee and biscuits, but they don't do you much good in realtime. If someone decides to make you a victim, you don't have a whole lot of time to ask them about their relationship with their mother before they have forced themselves on you. Unless you have a gun

also--just for the hell of it: by your logic, strippers are begging to be raped. It's ok to rape them? Coz, they didn't "lock the front door"-? To be a stripper is to be an idiot? Asking for it?
Overlooking the "begging to be raped" and "ok to rape them" mischaracterizations for the moment, yes. I have known many strippers. Almost all of them have been victims of some kind of criminal sex-related activity. Some of them were working on the side after hours and got raped or beaten. Some were stalked by customers. 2 of them (I dated them both) told me they got into the work because they had been raped, and wanted to feel power over men...don't ask me how they expected to achieve this by dancing. They were, without exception, mentally and spiritually beat up, and sick of life. I was trying to talk one friend out of working at the Hunt Club (the unofficial name is the Cunt Hub), and couldn't do it. She was going to get rich. Instead, she got a meth addiction.

By the way, you east coasters should be glad that it's still just crack out there. When meth hits you, you will think it's armaggedon. [/sidetrack]

In England they've a newspaper that prints photos of topless women, called Page 3 Girls, I believe. are they asking for it, too?
If they're walking to the grocery store in their Page 3 attire, probably.

edit: elspode, I usually ken where you're coming from. But you're still making my point to Nao
Conservatism gets hammered, any flavor of liberalism is to be fellated by all.
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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