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Old 11-07-2006, 03:43 PM   #145
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl

Not sure if you saw nothing of worth in my post, and not sure if I want to keep on with this, but to clarify my position:

- "You have an Aston Martin? You're just asking to have it stolen"
- "You leave your Aston Martin unlocked? You're just asking to have it stolen"

I don't believe dress puts women at risk, but behaviour (rightly or wrongly) can.

- "She dressed like a whore, she was asking to be raped"
- "She walked home drunk late at night, she was asking to be raped"

In both cases the language is harsher than I would choose, but only the second statement of each pair describes irresponsible behaviour.
No, no, your post was valuable. I was still in arguing mode and haven't gotten to it yet. I'm still busy backing up my claim that conservatives have a longer row to hoe in the Cellar than libs. ( and )

Originally Posted by Brianna
The fact that you can't "control Brianna" should not concern you in the least. I, myself, have no such designs on you.
I don't want to control you at all. When I say, "I can't control Brianna" it's a simple statement of fact. I'm pointing out that if Brianna is around, and knowing that, if I say certain things, no matter how entitled I am to say them, I am "asking for" a certain response. In other words, the probability that I am going to get attacked is far greater than if I didn't exercise my right.

In a perfect world, you can walk around nude without anyone ever saying something mean, targeting you for assault, or judging your morality. That's because in a perfect world, you're not walking around nude in order to get a response. But this is an imperfect world. There are mean people and predators. When you walk around nude in this world, it titillates, enrages, arouses, sickens, or amuses. But it does not go unnoticed. That's why it's done in the first place.

This is my umpteenth rewording of the same thing (dressing to get sexual attention gets both wanted and unwanted sexual attention), and all anyone will hear is "Noodle thinks rape is justified." I am ready to scream.
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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