Abso-freakin-lutely, as well as many many other atrocities against mankind. To think that there was no relation to Saddam whatsoever is incredulous.
Oh come on. Please tell me you don't actually believe that? All the evidence points to no involvement by Saddam whatsoever. The neo-cons have even admitted that. The fact that they couch such admissions in terms that then suggest the opposite doesn't change the facts.
would you rather be fighting those a**holes over here?? Don't forget THEY attacked US not the other way around
America is not facing, nor ever has faced an invasion from Iraq. Likewise the UK. Granted they are now very pissed off with us, given that we invaded their country, destroyed its infrastructure and killed several hundred thousand of their people, so now they probably have the motivation for invasion, but I don't think we left them with enough to actually mount it.
Darling, the Brits don't see it that way at all. They only see it in terms of how it will effect them. They really don't even give a hang about us, in terms of individuals; they see us as one big mass of simple-minded, uncultured hicks who'd best do what they're told, or no pat on the head from them.
That's not true. It's also interesting that having accused us of such gross generalisations, you then apply a gross generalisation to what we 'Brits' think of you Americans.
The problem isn't that people don't think America has a right to defend herself from attack. It's that people don't see America's defence as in anyway related to the invasion of a country which in no way posed a threat to either America, or Europe.
Iraq was not connected to 9/11. In no way was Iraq, or Saddam connected to the group who carried out that attack. It was not a war of self defence/protection. It was a war to remove Saddam's government from power. Now, whether or not that was right or wrong as a war aim is another debate. The point is, if the war was about removing another sovereign nation's leader and not because of that nation attacking America; how is there some kind of choice between fighting them over there and fighting them on home turf? The battle in America was never on the cards.
Brianna, when the 9/11 attack happened, Britain held out its hand to America. Our sympathy was assured and deepfelt. We were angry at what had been done to our friends. Do not read current anger at American and British leaders launching a war founded on lies, against a nation who posed no threat to either of us, as some kind of lack of interest or caring in what happens to America and Americans. There is a big difference between disagreeing with a country who went to war and wanting terrible things to happen to that country.