Originally Posted by sproglet
Am I missing something?
Or is this post modernistic irony?
Probably explains why Mrs sproglet was so keen to move away from Leicester when she graduated from DeMontford.
I don't think you're really missing anything

Unless it's the fact that most of the Dwellars live outside the UK.
I am fascinated by the day to day similarities and differences between people's lives. When Slang goes abroad the first thing I ask for is a picture of a local menu, the price of a beer, a picture of a market.
It's not "Check out this cool video, these cool pictures! OMG you'll be so excited!" because they won't excite anybody. It's here to share small slices of life with people who are interested.
I sit in hope of pictures & clips from US & Aus supermarkets. backyards, gardens, commutes... I am Sundae "interesting" Girl.