Originally Posted by yesman065
There you go again - quoting your buddy Rush again and making accusations. I don't, nor have I ever listened to Rush, but if he is the Anti-tw then I think I'll start. Anything is better than your bullshit. You think you know it all and the reality is that you don't know shit. Just what your sources or friends(if you have any) tell you to think. Ya know, your useless banter was almost entertaining at first, but now you are just a tiresome bore.
If you look through most of tw's posts, you will find that if nothing else, he is consistent. I mean, look at how many times he recycles the same arguement to fit whatever position he is taking. I think his favorite thing is to try and label people as operatives of Rush Limbaugh, even done it to me (though I work all day, couldn't possibly catch his show if I wanted). But not only does he recycle his arguements, he also likes to throw things around that don't logically flow with the thread to begin with. For the most part, I've learned to take anything tw say's with lots of salt, and I know that trying to challenge him with any sort of fact and he will just start to attack you personally as if you are just the stupidest p.o.s. to ever walk the earth. You can't change his mind, and you can't dispute his 'facts'. It is an excersize in futility. In over 3700 posts, find one tw changed his mind in or submitted that someone else knew more than him in any capacity.
*edit* and yes, I realize that by posting this I have no doubt incurred the wrath of tw. Check back soon to see his rebuttal!